HTTP Examples for Node.js
- HTTP Tutorial -- Common HTTP Requests Explained
- POST application/json HTTPS Request
- POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded Two Ways
- HTTPS Mutual Authentication using Smartcard or Token
- Demonstrates the Http.QuickRequestParams Method
- HTTP Form Authentication
- Simple SOAP Request
- SOAP with MTOM XOP Attachment
- Get XOAUTH2 Access Token from Google OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
- HTTP SOAP 1.1 Request and Response using POST
- HTTP SOAP 1.2 Request and Response using POST
- HTTP GET - Download HTML or any Text Content to a String
- Using an HTTP Proxy for HTTP POST's, GET's, etc.
- HTTPS Requests over Squid Proxy Direct TLS Connection
- HTTP Download any Type of File (binary or text)
- HTTP Public Key Pinning
- RFC3161 Timestamp Client - Fetch from Timestamp Authority (TSA) and Verify
- Adding Cookies to an HTTP Request
- HTTP Authentication (Basic, NTLM, Digest, Negotiate)
- Debugging HTTP
- Duplicating a Simple HTML Form Submission (POST)
- Caching cookies in-memory.
- Persist Cookies to XML Files and Auto Re-Send
- Twitter OAuth -- Tweet to Your Own Account
- Send XMLHttpRequest and Get Response
- Send XMLHttpRequest using PUT, GET, DELETE, or any HTTP Request Method
- Fetch ISBN XML from isbndb.com and Parse
- HTTP multipart/form-data Upload
- Parse a URL into its Component Parts
- Manually Follow HTTP Redirects
- HTTP POST JSON (application/json)
- Get the Server Certificate, Certificate Chain, and Root CA Certificate
- HTTP POST with some Params in URL and others in application/x-www-form-urlencoded Body
- HTTP - Verify Server is a Trusted Root CA
- HTTP TLS Mutual Authentication (Client-Side Certificate)
- Get Web Server's SPKI Fingerprint
- Add Custom Header to HTTP GET
- Getting the HTTP Response after an Asynchronous HTTP Request Completes
- PostUrlEncoded Clarified
- SOAP with MTOM XOP 8bit (binary) Attachment
- HTTP Download from URL with IP Address and Port
- Building a multipart/form-data Request for HTTP Upload
- Creating an application/json HTTP POST Request
- HTTP multipart-mixed POST (for a UPS Package Level Detail PLD Request)
- HTTP POST JSON and Parse JSON Response
- Initialize an HTTP Request from a URL
- HTTP HEAD Request
- Duplicate TLS 1.2 SOAP Request that uses .NET HttpWebRequest
- Peoplevox WMS Authentication
- Peoplevox WMS Export Data
- How to Avoid Large Strings in HTTP Responses
- HTTP Digest-MD5 Authentication Testing with httpbin.org
- Demonstrates how to Get Cookies Sent by the HTTP Server
- HTTP/HTTPS using SOCKS5 Proxy
- HTTP/HTTPS using SOCKS4 Proxy
- HTTPS multipart/form-data POST
- Auth0 Server-to-Server Access Token (Client Credentials flow)
- Send SOAP 1.2 Request to Web Service Requiring Authentication
- Use Installed Cert on Windows for TLS Client Authentication
- HttpPostJson2 Example
- PostXml vs. PostUrlEncoded
- HTTPS Upload File to Web Server
- Send HTTPS POST with XML Body
- HTTPS Windows Integrated Authentication
- Parse Multipart Binary Http Response
- Add Data to multipart/form-data Request
- HTTP Download in Parallel with Simultaneous Range Requests
- Use HTTPS Client Certificate from .cer and .key Files
- HTTP DELETE with Body
- Get the Last-Modified Date Before HTTP Download
- Get Size of File on Web Server
- How to Access Parts of a multipart/related HTTP Response
- OCSP Check Domain's Server Certificate Revocation Status
- HTTPS PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTPS GET URL with URL Encoded Query Params
- HTTP POST with Binary Data in Request Body
- HTTP GET with utf-8 URL Encoded Query Params
- URL Encoding Charset in POST Query Params
- Require SSL Server Certificate Domain Match
- Another SOAP with MTOM XOP Attachment Example
- Find My External Public IP Address
- Extract TSTInfo from RFC3161 Timestamp Reply
- HTTPS GET Request with Authorization Bearer Header
- HTTP GET with Custom Header and OAuth2 Bearer Token
- HTTPS Client Certificate using Smartcard or Token
- Send HTTP POST using non-UTF8 such as Windows-1250