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(VBScript) Uni Economy API Client Credentials FlowDemonstrates how to do OAuth 2.0 using the client credentials flow for the Uni Economy API. (This means that the server can authenticate against the identity server without human interaction.) For more information, see
Dim fso, outFile Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create a Unicode (utf-16) output text file. Set outFile = fso.CreateTextFile("output.txt", True, True) ' This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. ' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. ' Step 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' First create a client token... ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Cert") set cert = CreateObject("Chilkat.Cert") cert.VerboseLogging = 1 ' Note: .pfx and .p12 files are identical. The only difference is the file extension. ' Also, if your .p12 password is longer than 64 chars, you'll need Chilkat v9.5.0.83 or later. ' To shorten the password, import your .p12 onto your Windows computer by double-clicking on the .p12 file, ' make sure when importing that keys are exportable, then re-export with private keys to a .pfx with a new password. success = cert.LoadPfxFile("qa_data/pfx/UniCert_Norge_Test_secret.pfx","secret") If (success = 0) Then outFile.WriteLine(cert.LastErrorText) WScript.Quit End If ' privKey is a Chilkat.PrivateKey Set privKey = cert.ExportPrivateKey() If (cert.LastMethodSuccess = 0) Then outFile.WriteLine(cert.LastErrorText) WScript.Quit End If ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Jwt") set jwt = CreateObject("Chilkat.Jwt") ' Build the JOSE header ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject") set jose = CreateObject("Chilkat.JsonObject") ' Use RS256. Pass the string "RS384" or "RS512" to use RSA with SHA-384 or SHA-512. success = jose.AppendString("alg","RS256") success = jose.AppendString("typ","JWT") ' Now build the JWT claims (also known as the payload) ' Our JWT claims will contain members as shown here: ' { ' "jti": "ad612fce-3e71-4f6a-8af1-7eb0414b4eea", <-- generated unique global identifier ' "sub": "99999999-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff", <-- This is the clientId ' "iat": 1588102982, <-- These are date/time values. ' "nbf": 1588102982, ' "exp": 1588103042, ' "iss": " 99999999-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff", ' "aud": "" ' } ' Use your own client ID. myClientId = "99999999-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddeeeeffff" ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject") set claims = CreateObject("Chilkat.JsonObject") ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Crypt2") set crypt = CreateObject("Chilkat.Crypt2") success = claims.AppendString("jti",crypt.GenerateUuid()) success = claims.AppendString("sub",myClientId) ' Set the timestamp of when the JWT was created to now minus 60 seconds curDateTime = jwt.GenNumericDate(-60) success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"iat",curDateTime) ' Set the "not process before" timestamp to now minus 60 seconds success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"nbf",curDateTime) ' Set the timestamp defining an expiration time (end time) for the token ' to be now + 1 hour (3600 seconds) success = claims.AddIntAt(-1,"exp",curDateTime + 3600) success = claims.AppendString("iss",myClientId) success = claims.AppendString("aud","") ' Produce the smallest possible JWT: jwt.AutoCompact = 1 ' Create the JWT token. This is where the RSA signature is created. jwt_token = jwt.CreateJwtPk(jose.Emit(),claims.Emit(),privKey) outFile.WriteLine(jwt_token) ' Step 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Http") set http = CreateObject("Chilkat.Http") ' Fetch the discovery document... ' resp is a Chilkat.HttpResponse Set resp = http.QuickRequest("GET","") If (http.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) Then outFile.WriteLine(http.LastErrorText) WScript.Quit End If If (resp.StatusCode <> 200) Then outFile.WriteLine("Received response status code " & resp.StatusCode) outFile.WriteLine("Response body containing error text or JSON:") outFile.WriteLine(resp.BodyStr) WScript.Quit End If ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject") set json = CreateObject("Chilkat.JsonObject") success = json.Load(resp.BodyStr) json.EmitCompact = 0 outFile.WriteLine(json.Emit()) ' We have the discovery document, which contains something like this: ' You can use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: ' Generate Parsing Code from JSON ' { ' "issuer": "", ' "jwks_uri": "", ' "authorization_endpoint": "", ' "token_endpoint": "", ' "userinfo_endpoint": "", ' "end_session_endpoint": "", ' "check_session_iframe": "", ' "revocation_endpoint": "", ' "introspection_endpoint": "", ' "device_authorization_endpoint": "", ' "frontchannel_logout_supported": true, ' "frontchannel_logout_session_supported": true, ' "backchannel_logout_supported": true, ' "backchannel_logout_session_supported": true, ' "scopes_supported": [ ' "openid", ' "profile", ' "email", ' "offline_access", ' "AppFramework.All", ' "AppFramework", ' "AppFramework.Sales", ' "IdentityAPI", ' "widgetApi", ' "TestScope.test", ' "TestScope.Cars", ' "HaglandAPI", ' "LicenseAdmin", ' "LicenseAdmin.Product.Read", ' "SoftRig.Product.Write", ' "TestAPI.test", ' "offline_access" ' ], ' "claims_supported": [ ' "sub", ' "updated_at", ' "name", ' "family_name", ' "given_name", ' "middle_name", ' "nickname", ' "preferred_username", ' "picture", ' "website", ' "gender", ' "birthdate", ' "zoneinfo", ' "locale", ' "profile", ' "email", ' "email_verified" ' ], ' "grant_types_supported": [ ' "authorization_code", ' "client_credentials", ' "refresh_token", ' "implicit", ' "password", ' "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code", ' "delegation" ' ], ' "response_types_supported": [ ' "code", ' "token", ' "id_token", ' "id_token token", ' "code id_token", ' "code token", ' "code id_token token" ' ], ' "response_modes_supported": [ ' "form_post", ' "query", ' "fragment" ' ], ' "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [ ' "client_secret_basic", ' "client_secret_post", ' "private_key_jwt", ' "private_key_jwt" ' ], ' "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [ ' "RS256" ' ], ' "subject_types_supported": [ ' "public" ' ], ' "code_challenge_methods_supported": [ ' "plain", ' "S256" ' ], ' "request_parameter_supported": true ' } ' ------------------------------------------------------ ' The next steps are to (1) get the token_endpoint, ' and (2) verify that the client_credentials grant type is supported. tokenEndpoint = json.StringOf("token_endpoint") ' grantTypes is a Chilkat.JsonArray Set grantTypes = json.ArrayOf("grant_types_supported") clientCredentialsIdx = grantTypes.FindString("client_credentials",1) ' If clientCredentialsIdx is less then zero (-1) then the "client_credentials" string was not found. If (clientCredentialsIdx < 0) Then outFile.WriteLine("The client credentials grant type is not supported.") WScript.Quit End If ' ------------------------------------------------------ ' Request the access token using our Client ID and JWT ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.HttpRequest") set req = CreateObject("Chilkat.HttpRequest") req.HttpVerb = "POST" req.AddParam "client_id",myClientId req.AddParam "scope","AppFramework.Sales" req.AddParam "grant_type","client_credentials" req.AddParam "client_assertion_type","urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" req.AddParam "client_assertion",jwt_token ' resp is a Chilkat.HttpResponse Set resp = http.PostUrlEncoded(tokenEndpoint,req) If (http.LastMethodSuccess = 0) Then outFile.WriteLine(http.LastErrorText) WScript.Quit End If ' Make sure we got a 200 response status code, otherwise it's an error. If (resp.StatusCode <> 200) Then outFile.WriteLine("POST to token endpoint failed.") outFile.WriteLine("Received response status code " & resp.StatusCode) outFile.WriteLine("Response body containing error text or JSON:") outFile.WriteLine(resp.BodyStr) WScript.Quit End If success = json.Load(resp.BodyStr) outFile.WriteLine(json.Emit()) ' The JSON response will look like this: ' { ' "access_token": "...", ' "expires_in": 3600, ' "token_type": "Bearer", ' "scope": "AppFramework.Sales" ' } ' Get the access token: accessToken = json.StringOf("access_token") outFile.WriteLine("accessToken = " & accessToken) ' ------------------------------------------------------ ' Use the access token in a request. ' We'll just send a GET request to ' Tell the http object to use the OAuth2 access token in the "Authorization: Bearer ..." header. http.AuthToken = accessToken ' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder") set sbResponse = CreateObject("Chilkat.StringBuilder") success = http.QuickGetSb("",sbResponse) If (success = 0) Then outFile.WriteLine(http.LastErrorText) WScript.Quit End If ' Examine the response status code. If (http.LastStatus <> 200) Then outFile.WriteLine(sbResponse.GetAsString()) outFile.WriteLine("response status: " & http.LastStatus) outFile.WriteLine("Received error response.") WScript.Quit End If success = json.LoadSb(sbResponse) outFile.WriteLine(json.Emit()) outFile.WriteLine("Success.") outFile.Close |
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