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(VB.NET) Azure Create Storage AccountDemonstrates how to create an Azure storage account.
' This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. ' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. Dim http As New Chilkat.Http ' Load an OAuth2 access token previously fetched by this example: Get Azure OAuth2 Access Token Dim jsonToken As New Chilkat.JsonObject Dim success As Boolean = jsonToken.LoadFile("qa_data/tokens/azureToken.json") ' Assuming success.. http.AuthToken = jsonToken.StringOf("access_token") Debug.WriteLine("AuthToken: " & http.AuthToken) http.Accept = "application/json" ' Create the following JSON: ' { ' "sku": { ' "name": "Standard_GRS" ' }, ' "kind": "StorageV2", ' "location": "eastus2", ' } ' Use this online tool to generate the code from sample JSON: ' Generate Code to Create JSON Dim jsonRequestBody As New Chilkat.JsonObject jsonRequestBody.UpdateString("sku.name","Standard_GRS") jsonRequestBody.UpdateString("kind","StorageV2") jsonRequestBody.UpdateString("location","eastus2") Dim url As String = "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{accountName}?api-version=2018-02-01" Dim resp As Chilkat.HttpResponse = http.PText("PUT",url,jsonRequestBody.Emit(),"utf-8","application/json",False,False) If (http.LastMethodSuccess <> True) Then Debug.WriteLine(http.LastErrorText) Exit Sub End If Debug.WriteLine("Response Status Code: " & resp.StatusCode) Dim json As New Chilkat.JsonObject json.Load(resp.BodyStr) json.EmitCompact = False Debug.WriteLine(json.Emit()) If (resp.StatusCode >= 300) Then Debug.WriteLine("Failed.") Exit Sub End If ' Successful requests to create a new account return a 202 status code with an empty response body. The storage account is created asynchronously. ' If the account already exists or is being provisioned, the request response has a 200 return code with the configuration of the existing storage account in the response body. If (resp.StatusCode = 202) Then Debug.WriteLine("Azure-AsyncOperation: " & resp.GetHeaderField("Azure-AsyncOperation")) End If If (resp.StatusCode = 200) Then ' Parse a response like this: ' { ' "sku": { ' "name": "Standard_GRS", ' "tier": "Standard" ' }, ' "kind": "StorageV2", ' "id": "/subscriptions/6c42643b-ebef-45f0-b917-b3583b84a57f/resourceGroups/gChilkat/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/chilkatsoftware", ' "name": "chilkatsoftware", ' "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", ' "location": "eastus2", ' "tags": {}, ' "properties": { ' "networkAcls": { ' "bypass": "AzureServices", ' "virtualNetworkRules": [ ' ], ' "ipRules": [ ' ], ' "defaultAction": "Allow" ' }, ' "supportsHttpsTrafficOnly": false, ' "encryption": { ' "services": { ' "file": { ' "enabled": true, ' "lastEnabledTime": "2019-05-14T22:18:33.2246670Z" ' }, ' "blob": { ' "enabled": true, ' "lastEnabledTime": "2019-05-14T22:18:33.2246670Z" ' } ' }, ' "keySource": "Microsoft.Storage" ' }, ' "accessTier": "Hot", ' "provisioningState": "Succeeded", ' ' "creationTime": "2019-05-14T22:18:33.1309165Z", ' "primaryEndpoints": { ' "dfs": "https://chilkatsoftware.dfs.core.windows.net/", ' "web": "https://chilkatsoftware.z20.web.core.windows.net/", ' "blob": "https://chilkatsoftware.blob.core.windows.net/", ' "queue": "https://chilkatsoftware.queue.core.windows.net/", ' "table": "https://chilkatsoftware.table.core.windows.net/", ' "file": "https://chilkatsoftware.file.core.windows.net/" ' }, ' "primaryLocation": "eastus2", ' "statusOfPrimary": "available", ' "secondaryLocation": "centralus", ' "statusOfSecondary": "available" ' } ' } ' Use this online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: ' Generate Parsing Code from JSON Dim skuName As String Dim skuTier As String Dim kind As String Dim id As String Dim name As String Dim v_type As String Dim location As String Dim propertiesNetworkAclsBypass As String Dim propertiesNetworkAclsDefaultAction As String Dim propertiesSupportsHttpsTrafficOnly As Boolean Dim propertiesEncryptionServicesFileEnabled As Boolean Dim propertiesEncryptionServicesFileLastEnabledTime As String Dim propertiesEncryptionServicesBlobEnabled As Boolean Dim propertiesEncryptionServicesBlobLastEnabledTime As String Dim propertiesEncryptionKeySource As String Dim propertiesAccessTier As String Dim propertiesProvisioningState As String Dim propertiesCreationTime As String Dim propertiesPrimaryEndpointsDfs As String Dim propertiesPrimaryEndpointsWeb As String Dim propertiesPrimaryEndpointsBlob As String Dim propertiesPrimaryEndpointsQueue As String Dim propertiesPrimaryEndpointsTable As String Dim propertiesPrimaryEndpointsFile As String Dim propertiesPrimaryLocation As String Dim propertiesStatusOfPrimary As String Dim propertiesSecondaryLocation As String Dim propertiesStatusOfSecondary As String Dim i As Integer Dim count_i As Integer skuName = json.StringOf("sku.name") skuTier = json.StringOf("sku.tier") kind = json.StringOf("kind") id = json.StringOf("id") name = json.StringOf("name") v_type = json.StringOf("type") location = json.StringOf("location") propertiesNetworkAclsBypass = json.StringOf("properties.networkAcls.bypass") propertiesNetworkAclsDefaultAction = json.StringOf("properties.networkAcls.defaultAction") propertiesSupportsHttpsTrafficOnly = json.BoolOf("properties.supportsHttpsTrafficOnly") propertiesEncryptionServicesFileEnabled = json.BoolOf("properties.encryption.services.file.enabled") propertiesEncryptionServicesFileLastEnabledTime = json.StringOf("properties.encryption.services.file.lastEnabledTime") propertiesEncryptionServicesBlobEnabled = json.BoolOf("properties.encryption.services.blob.enabled") propertiesEncryptionServicesBlobLastEnabledTime = json.StringOf("properties.encryption.services.blob.lastEnabledTime") propertiesEncryptionKeySource = json.StringOf("properties.encryption.keySource") propertiesAccessTier = json.StringOf("properties.accessTier") propertiesProvisioningState = json.StringOf("properties.provisioningState") propertiesCreationTime = json.StringOf("properties.creationTime") propertiesPrimaryEndpointsDfs = json.StringOf("properties.primaryEndpoints.dfs") propertiesPrimaryEndpointsWeb = json.StringOf("properties.primaryEndpoints.web") propertiesPrimaryEndpointsBlob = json.StringOf("properties.primaryEndpoints.blob") propertiesPrimaryEndpointsQueue = json.StringOf("properties.primaryEndpoints.queue") propertiesPrimaryEndpointsTable = json.StringOf("properties.primaryEndpoints.table") propertiesPrimaryEndpointsFile = json.StringOf("properties.primaryEndpoints.file") propertiesPrimaryLocation = json.StringOf("properties.primaryLocation") propertiesStatusOfPrimary = json.StringOf("properties.statusOfPrimary") propertiesSecondaryLocation = json.StringOf("properties.secondaryLocation") propertiesStatusOfSecondary = json.StringOf("properties.statusOfSecondary") End If Debug.WriteLine("Success.") |
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