(Visual Basic 6.0) Get a Blob using a Container's Shared Access Signature
Shows how to download an Azure blob using a URL with a shared access signature. For more information, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/service-sas-examples#example-get-a-blob-using-a-containers-shared-access-signature
' This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
Dim url As String
url = "https://chilkat.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/starfish.jpg?sv=2021-06-08&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupiyx&se=2023-02-12T21:30:53Z&st=2023-02-12T13:30:53Z&spr=https&sig=HB8CoZiD7EJD1rQNIVnLl%2Bq7kyLcOCnSXR14TadBv6s%3D"
' To download to a file, pass the full URL with query params to the Download method.
Dim http As New ChilkatHttp
Dim success As Long
success = http.Download(url,"c:/someDir/starfish.jpg")
If (success = 0) Then
Debug.Print "response status code: " & http.LastStatus
Debug.Print "response status text: " & http.LastStatusText
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print "Success."