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(Visual Basic 6.0) PKCS7 Decrypt Using .pfx or .p12 DataSee more MIME ExamplesDemonstrates how to decrypt MIME using a specifc PFX file (.pfx or .p12) for the source of certificate(s) and private key(s).
' This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. ' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. Dim mime As New ChilkatMime ' Load the MIME Dim success As Long success = mime.LoadMimeFile("encrypted.mim") If (success = 0) Then Debug.Print mime.LastErrorText Exit Sub End If Dim pfxData() As Byte Dim fac As New CkFileAccess pfxData = fac.ReadEntireFile("pfxStore/myPkcs12.p12") If (fac.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) Then Debug.Print fac.LastErrorText Exit Sub End If Dim pfxPassword As String pfxPassword = "myPassword" success = mime.DecryptUsingPfxData(pfxData,pfxPassword) If (success = 0) Then Debug.Print mime.LastErrorText Exit Sub End If ' Display the decrypted MIME: Debug.Print mime.GetMime() ' Note: The MIME to be decrypted should look something like this ' when viewed in a text editor: ' (Note that the Content-Type is application/x-pkcs7-mime) ' Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7m" ' Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 ' Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; ' name="smime.p7m" ' ' MIICRAYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIICNTCCAjECAQAxggHIMIIBxAIBADCBqzCBlTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx ' CzAJBgNVBAgTAlVUMRcwFQYDVQQHEw5TYWx0IExha2UgQ2l0eTEeMBwGA1UEChMVVGhlIFVTRVJU ' UlVTVCBOZXR3b3JrMSEwHwYDVQQLExhodHRwOi8vd3d3LnVzZXJ0cnVzdC5jb20xHTAbBgNVBAMT ' FFVUTi1VU0VSRmlyc3QtT2JqZWN0AhEA5vxolKNrYgp1Z7ABICdK+zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASC ' AQAJ68jTh3u3ovsOuz1aHXTV90GBB6DMfCdx0bZ85trSvDXBevMOtQdctz653de8EB2xU4RlaPQa ' oBpF8G01PMaKezd+FGLbhm7gmKl7boej3BboUzM4wrwjc8qHTGc/haT1ZA3jUU3DR4emVXNmRgWc ' FDU5Dnkf+Z2YXQop9wPCf1Ng+8LLjBX9yxgXP1ZyFDe9vUnSkk2fmZatEY2Y6eWHNbrj6q4F40qN ' PAyZW1rJSFmKTSPSzv7S0VWBMh+FgUKtqk4I6/+zhneLYeJBZFskmMIGFpgKdgrN7vbbr1a2gv/M ' PbHUxwKMD4KZ2auyuGKMVLBOm+n8v5f8EegloL/UMGAGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAZBggqhkiG9w0DAjAN ' AgE6BAgcohHNLdl9FoA4q22x8vXs05wuScRgLhwMOzvdGQkBJx+6iQDBuoCVxF8sQ35g+0PPxN3M ' 6Zw6nI1gSIIKBS3ZjtI= |
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