(Swift) StringBuilder GetAfterFinal
Demonstrates the StringBuilder.GetAfterFinal method.
The GetBefore method was added in Chilkat v9.5.0.77
func chilkatTest() {
let sb = CkoStringBuilder()!
var success: Bool = sb.append("111--222--333--444")
// The GetAfterFinal method returns the contents of the string after the final occurrence of
// the marker string. If the remove flag is true, then both the returned string AND
// the marker are removed.
// If the marker is not found, then the entire string is returned and the sb is cleared.
var removeFlag: Bool = true
var marker: String? = "--"
var substr: String?
while (sb.length.intValue > 0) {
substr = sb.getAfterFinal(marker, removeFlag: removeFlag)
print("substr = \(substr!), sb contains: \(sb.getAsString()!)")
// Output:
// substr = 444, sb contains: 111--222--333
// substr = 333, sb contains: 111--222
// substr = 222, sb contains: 111
// substr = 111, sb contains: