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(SQL Server) Outlook -- Delete EmailDemonstrates how to delete email using the Microsoft Graph API. Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.68 or greater. This example applies to: Exchange Online | Office 365 | Hotmail.com | Live.com | MSN.com | Outlook.com | Passport.com
-- Important: See this note about string length limitations for strings returned by sp_OAMethod calls. -- CREATE PROCEDURE ChilkatSample AS BEGIN DECLARE @hr int DECLARE @iTmp0 int -- Important: Do not use nvarchar(max). See the warning about using nvarchar(max). DECLARE @sTmp0 nvarchar(4000) -- This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. -- See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. DECLARE @http int -- Use "Chilkat_9_5_0.Http" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0 EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat.Http', @http OUT IF @hr <> 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Failed to create ActiveX component' RETURN END -- Use your previously obtained access token here: EXEC sp_OASetProperty @http, 'AuthToken', 'MICROSOFT_GRAPH_ACCESS_TOKEN' -- This example will search /Inbox for a message we want to delete. -- First we need to get the folder ID for /Inbox. -- Then we'll search for messages based on some criteria, and delete the matching messages. -- Get the folder ID for /Inbox from the folder map created by this example DECLARE @htFolderMap int -- Use "Chilkat_9_5_0.Hashtable" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0 EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat.Hashtable', @htFolderMap OUT DECLARE @sbMap int -- Use "Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0 EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat.StringBuilder', @sbMap OUT DECLARE @success int EXEC sp_OAMethod @sbMap, 'LoadFile', @success OUT, 'qa_data/outlook/folderMap.xml', 'utf-8' EXEC sp_OAMethod @htFolderMap, 'AddFromXmlSb', @success OUT, @sbMap -- Get the ID for the "/Inbox" folder: DECLARE @folderId nvarchar(4000) EXEC sp_OAMethod @htFolderMap, 'LookupStr', @folderId OUT, '/Inbox' EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @htFolderMap, 'LastMethodSuccess', @iTmp0 OUT IF @iTmp0 <> 1 BEGIN PRINT 'Folder ID not found' EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @htFolderMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbMap RETURN END DECLARE @success int SELECT @success = 1 DECLARE @json int -- Use "Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0 EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat.JsonObject', @json OUT EXEC sp_OASetProperty @json, 'EmitCompact', 0 -- Search for emails in this folder with the phrase "Amazon SES" in the subject, and return only the id and subject. EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetUrlVar', @success OUT, 'folder_id', @folderId EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetUrlVar', @success OUT, 'select', 'id,subject' EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetUrlVar', @success OUT, 'filter', 'contains(subject,''Amazon SES'')' DECLARE @sbResponse int -- Use "Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0 EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat.StringBuilder', @sbResponse OUT EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'QuickGetSb', @success OUT, 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/mailFolders/{$folder_id}/messages?$filter={$filter}&$select={$select}', @sbResponse IF @success <> 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastErrorText', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT @sTmp0 EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @htFolderMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbResponse RETURN END EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'LoadSb', @success OUT, @sbResponse -- Show the results.. EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'Emit', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT @sTmp0 -- Sample results: -- { -- "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('me')/mailFolders('AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA')/messages(id,subject)", -- "value": [ -- { -- "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AAA1jyl6\"", -- "id": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAADLHd_AAAAA=", -- "subject": "Amazon SES Address Verification Request in region US West (Oregon)" -- }, -- { -- "@odata.etag": "W/\"CQAAABYAAADn68XtMop0TpsYJGpfKXY9AAA1jyl7\"", -- "id": "AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAADLHd_EAAAA=", -- "subject": "Amazon SES Address Verification Request in region US West (Oregon)" -- } -- ] -- } -- -- ------------ -- Proceed to delete each of the above emails... DECLARE @resp nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @messageId nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @i int SELECT @i = 0 DECLARE @numEmails int EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'SizeOfArray', @numEmails OUT, 'value' WHILE @i < @numEmails BEGIN EXEC sp_OASetProperty @json, 'I', @i EXEC sp_OAMethod @json, 'StringOf', @messageId OUT, 'value[i].id' EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'SetUrlVar', @success OUT, 'message_id', @messageId PRINT 'Deleting ' + @messageId EXEC sp_OAMethod @http, 'QuickDeleteStr', @resp OUT, 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/messages/{$message_id}' EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastMethodSuccess', @iTmp0 OUT IF @iTmp0 <> 1 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastErrorText', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT @sTmp0 EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @htFolderMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbResponse RETURN END -- A 204 response indicates success. EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @http, 'LastStatus', @iTmp0 OUT IF @iTmp0 = 204 BEGIN PRINT 'Message deleted.' END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'Message not deleted.' PRINT @resp END SELECT @i = @i + 1 END -- Sample output: -- Deleting AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAADLHd_AAAAA= -- Message deleted. -- Deleting AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAcA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAADLHd_EAAAA= -- Message deleted. -- EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @http EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @htFolderMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbMap EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @json EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @sbResponse END GO |
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