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(SQL Server) Parse MIME Header FieldsDemonstrates how to parse MIME header fields, including Content-Type, Content-Disposition, and Content-Transfer-Encoding. This example uses a MIME test file located at http://www.chilkatsoft.com/testData/sampleMime2.txt. It contains the following MIME: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------080707010302060306060800"; This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------080707010302060306060800 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is the plain-text body. --------------080707010302060306060800 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="starfish.gif"; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Type: image/gif; name="starfish.gif"; R0lGODlhIAAgAPcAAP///+/v7/f39+/n5/fv7//39/fn597OzufW1tbGxs69vffe3u/W1salpZQQ EIQYEJwQCJQYCJwYCM6clL2Ee5wpGIwhEK0YANatpdalnHMYCKUhCJQYAKUYAM6Ec5QhCJwhCPfW zu/Oxta1rb17a6UhAK0hAPe9rb2Ec7V7a71rUpwpCL0xCJwhAOfOxta9tcatpdallM6cjMaUhK1C IZwxELU5EK0xCLUxCN61pcacjK1rUrVaOaVKKZxCIZwxCKUxCL05CLUxAM6llO+1nMZzUr1rSrVS KaVCGK1CGLVCEJQxCK05CLU5CIwpAKUxAK0xAM69tffWxrVrSrVaMbVKGMZKEL1CCLU5AP/v597O xufGtcallNaljLWEa96ce9aUc717Wq1aMcZjMbVaKbVSIa1KGL1SGJw5CK1CCLVCCMZKCM5KCMZC APfn3tbGvc57Ss5aGMZSENZaEL1KCM5SCLVCAMZKAPfezvfOte/GrdatlN6cc9aEUr1rOc5jIdZj GL1SEM5aELVKCMZSCNZaCL1KAOfOvc57Qs5jGNZjEM5aCMZSAN5aAO/OtefGrcZjGM5jEN5rELVS CMZaCN5jCOdrCM5aAO/Gpc5rGMZjENZrEN5jAOdrAOfe1t6MQtZ7Kd57IdZzGM5rEMZjCNZrCM5j ANbOxu/Wve+9jPe9hO+1e+etc85zGO+EGMZrENZzEM5rCN5zCO97COdzAO/n3u+1c+ecSt6UQs57 Ie+MIdZ7GOeEGM5zEO+EELVjCOd7CO+ECOd7AO/Ope+tWuelUu+UKeeMGOeEEO+MEOeECO+EAO/G jO+cKfeUEO+MCO+tSuecMeeUGN6MEOeMCO+UCO+tQuelOe+lMe+lKe+cGOeUEO+cEOeUCN6MAO+U AOe9c/e1Oe+lId6UEO+cCPe9Qve1Me+lEOecCO+lCOe1Su+1OeelGO+tGPetCPetAO+9Qve1GO+1 EPe9CPe9APf37+fv5/f//+/v9/fv9+fe5+/e5869xufW3t7GzgAAACwAAAAAIAAgAAAI/wABCBxI sKDBgwgTFgCwMKHDhwyHYWoIsWIBZsdyHaoIcaGbaNQ0ZeBYEROvV0pmCCDp8B4rZaOUcGHpcIEx aqPMYLjHMcsCAwgxkRv3q8wLnhAdfWpmDRwqAgQFEEvHLlCZNxwfpVmkDJ04dczc3LsXQtq4XWh8 aGH48F49FDUC9UInT941W6luCUOWyQmSLST3eUnChNS4c9SooQuGDNkrIIrA1MqXr0A+AyFC4Kln kMAQKljotJJGDZklS9PkyEHGLZu1ctbCmWvXThurfAbvHSii5kegxpYqtRpEKFnid/TSneu2LRYh P/0Q1tJRgYOZV71UL5LEK1KiV68yVf+xgaOKmAZICd5bmA8FEyZQlMjRRAhQGQv4QQSJL8ZLFHwP 6aFIJXNIEkggcgQhwYIlKEFFGDKcEgBCBVCkByC0IAMJGnSAYsUNEmzAgw4HBJBeQisZcAswjqGh wQeBKGIFFD0ocCJE9diyjTKRLPHBAx/cEAcdgxgx4Vg3HnSPKs4E00sNEYDwgQksQDLJIohMSJIj ugSTCRA/ILFDCjTckUkrpYiCAEluYCMLJCsoMQUM9gjQRSSL7CLJJjmQxMw3kQChxA78IFULHIK0 MgonXyR5UAHWVBKIEmEcUJAIYxgSSSF94AZRPrgsQgUF0RmUgWpy/LFmRYdMkACAANwrWA8cbAhi RZ8cjRWro0QEEsQVGTiKkLAM5QNGFWrAQFNLBIzABQPLRktQQAA7 --------------080707010302060306060800--
-- Important: See this note about string length limitations for strings returned by sp_OAMethod calls. -- CREATE PROCEDURE ChilkatSample AS BEGIN DECLARE @hr int -- Important: Do not use nvarchar(max). See the warning about using nvarchar(max). DECLARE @sTmp0 nvarchar(4000) -- This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. -- See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. DECLARE @mime int -- Use "Chilkat_9_5_0.Mime" for versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0 EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'Chilkat.Mime', @mime OUT IF @hr <> 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Failed to create ActiveX component' RETURN END -- Load the sampleMime2.txt file into the MIME object. -- (This file is available at http://www.chilkatsoft.com/testData/sampleMime2.txt ) DECLARE @success int EXEC sp_OAMethod @mime, 'LoadMimeFile', @success OUT, 'sampleMime2.txt' IF @success = 0 BEGIN EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @mime, 'LastErrorText', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT @sTmp0 EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @mime RETURN END -- The GIF image is the 2nd sub-part located directly under the -- top-level MIME node. Indexing begins at 0, therefore the 2nd -- sub-part is at index 1. DECLARE @part2 int EXEC sp_OAMethod @mime, 'GetPart', @part2 OUT, 1 -- ------------------------------- -- Content-Disposition -- ------------------------------- -- In this example, the Content-Disposition header field -- contains this value: -- attachment; filename="starfish.gif" -- To get the "filename", call GetHeaderFieldAttribute -- Header field names and attribute names are case insensitive. DECLARE @filename nvarchar(4000) EXEC sp_OAMethod @part2, 'GetHeaderFieldAttribute', @filename OUT, 'Content-Disposition', 'filename' PRINT 'Filename: ' + @filename -- Because the "filename" is so often accessed, it is also available -- by accessing the "Filename" property: EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @part2, 'Filename', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT 'Filename: ' + @sTmp0 -- The disposition (without attributes) which in this case -- is the string "attachment" is accessed via the Disposition property: EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @part2, 'Disposition', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT 'Disposition: ' + @sTmp0 -- To get the full value of the Content-Disposition header field, -- call GetHeaderField. EXEC sp_OAMethod @part2, 'GetHeaderField', @sTmp0 OUT, 'Content-Disposition' PRINT 'Content-Disposition: ' + @sTmp0 -- ------------------------------- -- Content-Type -- ------------------------------- -- In this example, the Content-Type header field -- contains this value: -- image/gif; name="starfish.gif" -- To get the "name", call GetHeaderFieldAttribute DECLARE @name nvarchar(4000) EXEC sp_OAMethod @part2, 'GetHeaderFieldAttribute', @name OUT, 'Content-Type', 'name' PRINT 'Content-Type name: ' + @name -- Because the "name" is so often accessed, it is also available -- by accessing the "Name" property: EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @part2, 'Name', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT 'Content-Type name: ' + @sTmp0 -- The content-type without attributes is available in the -- ContentType property: EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @part2, 'ContentType', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT 'Content-Type: ' + @sTmp0 -- To get the full value of the Content-Type header field, -- call GetHeaderField. EXEC sp_OAMethod @part2, 'GetHeaderField', @sTmp0 OUT, 'Content-Type' PRINT 'Content-Type: ' + @sTmp0 -- ------------------------------- -- Content-Transfer-Encoding -- ------------------------------- -- The Encoding property contains the value of the -- Content-Transfer-Encoding property. -- Calling GetHeaderField("Content-Transfer-Encoding") is -- equivalent to accessing the Encoding property: EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @part2, 'Encoding', @sTmp0 OUT PRINT 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' + @sTmp0 EXEC sp_OAMethod @part2, 'GetHeaderField', @sTmp0 OUT, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' PRINT 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' + @sTmp0 EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @part2 PRINT 'Finished.' EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @mime END GO |
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