(Ruby) Read Japanese utf-8 CSV File
Demonstrates how to read a utf-8 .csv file containing some Japanese characters.
require 'chilkat'
# This example program loads a file (japanese.csv)
# that contains this content:
# year,color,country,food
# 2001,red,France,cheese
# 2005,blue,"United States",hamburger
# 2008,green,Italy,pasta
# 1998,orange,Japan,sushi
# 2010,silver,"",""
csv = Chilkat::CkCsv.new()
# Prior to loading the CSV file, indicate that the 1st row
# should be treated as column names:
# Load the CSV records from the file.
# Important: Make sure to call LoadFile2 so that the charset (utf-8)
# of the CSV file can be indicated.
success = csv.LoadFile2("qa_data/csv/japanese.csv","utf-8")
if (success != true)
print csv.lastErrorText() + "\n";
# Display the contents of the 3rd column
n = csv.get_NumRows()
for row in 0 .. n - 1
print csv.getCell(row,2) + "\n";