(Perl) StringBuilder Encode Charset
Demonstrates the importance of the charset argument when encoding/decoding.
use chilkat();
$s = "é é é";
$sb = chilkat::CkStringBuilder->new();
# The string now contains: "é é é"
print $sb->getAsString() . "\r\n";
# If encoded to hex using the iso-8859-1 charset,
# each é char is represented in 1 byte.
# Output: E920E920E9
print $sb->getEncoded("hex","iso-8859-1") . "\r\n";
# If encoded to hex using the utf-8 charset,
# each é char is represented in 2 bytes.
# Output: C3A920C3A920C3A9
print $sb->getEncoded("hex","utf-8") . "\r\n";
# Here's utf-16
# Output: E9002000E9002000E900
print $sb->getEncoded("hex","utf-16") . "\r\n";
# utf-32
# Output: E900000020000000E900000020000000E9000000
print $sb->getEncoded("hex","utf-32") . "\r\n";