(Objective-C) Amazon Rekognition - Detect Faces in an Image
Detects faces within an image that is provided as input. This example passes theimage as base64-encoded image bytes.For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/API_DetectFaces.html
#import <CkoRest.h>
#import <CkoAuthAws.h>
#import <CkoBinData.h>
#import <CkoStringBuilder.h>
#import <CkoJsonObject.h>
#import <NSString.h>
CkoRest *rest = [[CkoRest alloc] init];
BOOL success;
CkoAuthAws *authAws = [[CkoAuthAws alloc] init];
authAws.AccessKey = @"AWS_ACCESS_KEY";
authAws.SecretKey = @"AWS_SECRET_KEY";
// Don't forget to change the region to your particular region. (Also make the same change in the call to Connect below.)
authAws.Region = @"us-west-2";
authAws.ServiceName = @"rekognition";
// SetAuthAws causes Chilkat to automatically add the following headers: Authorization, X-Amz-Date
[rest SetAuthAws: authAws];
// URL: https://rekognition.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/
BOOL bTls = YES;
int port = 443;
BOOL bAutoReconnect = YES;
// Don't forget to change the region domain (us-west-2.amazonaws.com) to your particular region.
success = [rest Connect: @"rekognition.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" port: [NSNumber numberWithInt: port] tls: bTls autoReconnect: bAutoReconnect];
if (success != YES) {
NSLog(@"%@%d",@"ConnectFailReason: ",[rest.ConnectFailReason intValue]);
// Note: The above code does not need to be repeatedly called for each REST request.
// The rest object can be setup once, and then many requests can be sent. Chilkat will automatically
// reconnect within a FullRequest* method as needed. It is only the very first connection that is explicitly
// made via the Connect method.
// Load the JPG to be passed as base64 in the JSON.
CkoBinData *bdJpg = [[CkoBinData alloc] init];
success = [bdJpg LoadFile: @"qa_data/jpg/kid_blue_coat.jpg"];
if (success != YES) {
NSLog(@"%@",@"Failed to load the input JPG file.");
// We wish to send the following JSON in the body of our HTTP request:
// {
// "Image": {
// "Bytes": "base64_image_bytes"
// }
// "Attributes": [
// "ALL"
// ]
// }
// Here is the image we used for testing:
// Convert binary image bytes to base64.
// Note: We are explicitly keeping the data inside Chilkat to avoid having to pass large strings
// as arguments to function calls. This is important for some programming languages.
CkoStringBuilder *sbJpg = [[CkoStringBuilder alloc] init];
[bdJpg GetEncodedSb: @"base64" sb: sbJpg];
CkoJsonObject *json = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init];
[json UpdateSb: @"Image.Bytes" sb: sbJpg];
[json UpdateString: @"Attributes[0]" value: @"ALL"];
[rest AddHeader: @"Content-Type" value: @"application/x-amz-json-1.1"];
[rest AddHeader: @"X-Amz-Target" value: @"RekognitionService.DetectFaces"];
CkoStringBuilder *sbRequestBody = [[CkoStringBuilder alloc] init];
[json EmitSb: sbRequestBody];
CkoStringBuilder *sbResponseBody = [[CkoStringBuilder alloc] init];
success = [rest FullRequestSb: @"POST" uriPath: @"/" requestBody: sbRequestBody responseBody: sbResponseBody];
if (success != YES) {
int respStatusCode = [rest.ResponseStatusCode intValue];
NSLog(@"%@%d",@"response status code = ",respStatusCode);
if (respStatusCode >= 400) {
NSLog(@"%@%d",@"Response Status Code = ",respStatusCode);
NSLog(@"%@",@"Response Header:");
NSLog(@"%@",@"Response Body:");
NSLog(@"%@",[sbResponseBody GetAsString]);
CkoJsonObject *jResp = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init];
[jResp LoadSb: sbResponseBody];
jResp.EmitCompact = NO;
NSLog(@"%@",[jResp Emit]);
// Sample JSON response:
// (Sample code for parsing the JSON response is shown below)
// {
// "FaceDetails": [
// {
// "AgeRange": {
// "High": 18,
// "Low": 8
// },
// "Beard": {
// "Confidence": 98.06282806396484,
// "Value": false
// },
// "BoundingBox": {
// "Height": 0.327279269695282,
// "Left": 0.5339247584342957,
// "Top": 0.23660442233085632,
// "Width": 0.35611653327941895
// },
// "Confidence": 99.99732971191406,
// "Emotions": [
// {
// "Confidence": 99.5849380493164,
// "Type": "HAPPY"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.15533843636512756,
// "Type": "CALM"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.08864031732082367,
// "Type": "SURPRISED"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.05476664379239082,
// "Type": "SAD"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.042048510164022446,
// "Type": "CONFUSED"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.038942769169807434,
// "Type": "DISGUSTED"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.021463459357619286,
// "Type": "FEAR"
// },
// {
// "Confidence": 0.013858155347406864,
// "Type": "ANGRY"
// }
// ],
// "Eyeglasses": {
// "Confidence": 98.5116195678711,
// "Value": false
// },
// "EyesOpen": {
// "Confidence": 99.65477752685547,
// "Value": true
// },
// "Gender": {
// "Confidence": 97.1164321899414,
// "Value": "Female"
// },
// "Landmarks": [
// {
// "Type": "eyeLeft",
// "X": 0.6554790735244751,
// "Y": 0.35153862833976746
// },
// {
// "Type": "eyeRight",
// "X": 0.7940073609352112,
// "Y": 0.38292214274406433
// },
// {
// "Type": "mouthLeft",
// "X": 0.6188991069793701,
// "Y": 0.46431097388267517
// },
// {
// "Type": "mouthRight",
// "X": 0.7352844476699829,
// "Y": 0.490242063999176
// },
// {
// "Type": "nose",
// "X": 0.7125006914138794,
// "Y": 0.44607019424438477
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeBrowLeft",
// "X": 0.6096581220626831,
// "Y": 0.3071737587451935
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeBrowRight",
// "X": 0.6628581285476685,
// "Y": 0.3133310079574585
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeBrowUp",
// "X": 0.7027584314346313,
// "Y": 0.33200803399086
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeBrowLeft",
// "X": 0.7813941240310669,
// "Y": 0.35023579001426697
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeBrowRight",
// "X": 0.8213478922843933,
// "Y": 0.34993964433670044
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeBrowUp",
// "X": 0.8495538234710693,
// "Y": 0.36189284920692444
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeLeft",
// "X": 0.629088282585144,
// "Y": 0.34286588430404663
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeRight",
// "X": 0.6820939183235168,
// "Y": 0.3586524724960327
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeUp",
// "X": 0.6580297946929932,
// "Y": 0.3468707501888275
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftEyeDown",
// "X": 0.6537532210350037,
// "Y": 0.35663917660713196
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeLeft",
// "X": 0.7655976414680481,
// "Y": 0.3776427209377289
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeRight",
// "X": 0.8166338801383972,
// "Y": 0.38544225692749023
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeUp",
// "X": 0.7969376444816589,
// "Y": 0.37844377756118774
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightEyeDown",
// "X": 0.7909533977508545,
// "Y": 0.3877102732658386
// },
// {
// "Type": "noseLeft",
// "X": 0.6727234721183777,
// "Y": 0.44030481576919556
// },
// {
// "Type": "noseRight",
// "X": 0.7237889170646667,
// "Y": 0.45200300216674805
// },
// {
// "Type": "mouthUp",
// "X": 0.6882695555686951,
// "Y": 0.4740942418575287
// },
// {
// "Type": "mouthDown",
// "X": 0.6720560789108276,
// "Y": 0.5046101808547974
// },
// {
// "Type": "leftPupil",
// "X": 0.6554790735244751,
// "Y": 0.35153862833976746
// },
// {
// "Type": "rightPupil",
// "X": 0.7940073609352112,
// "Y": 0.38292214274406433
// },
// {
// "Type": "upperJawlineLeft",
// "X": 0.5517005324363708,
// "Y": 0.30355724692344666
// },
// {
// "Type": "midJawlineLeft",
// "X": 0.5320234894752502,
// "Y": 0.43352627754211426
// },
// {
// "Type": "chinBottom",
// "X": 0.6419994831085205,
// "Y": 0.5531964302062988
// },
// {
// "Type": "midJawlineRight",
// "X": 0.7752369046211243,
// "Y": 0.48957017064094543
// },
// {
// "Type": "upperJawlineRight",
// "X": 0.8515444397926331,
// "Y": 0.37258899211883545
// }
// ],
// "MouthOpen": {
// "Confidence": 68.26280212402344,
// "Value": false
// },
// "Mustache": {
// "Confidence": 99.73213195800781,
// "Value": false
// },
// "Pose": {
// "Pitch": -11.299633026123047,
// "Roll": 17.6924991607666,
// "Yaw": 13.582314491271973
// },
// "Quality": {
// "Brightness": 83.72581481933594,
// "Sharpness": 67.22731018066406
// },
// "Smile": {
// "Confidence": 98.4793930053711,
// "Value": true
// },
// "Sunglasses": {
// "Confidence": 99.3582992553711,
// "Value": false
// }
// }
// ]
// }
// Sample code for parsing the JSON response...
// Use the following online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON:
// Generate Parsing Code from JSON
int AgeRangeHigh;
int AgeRangeLow;
NSString *BeardConfidence = 0;
BOOL BeardValue;
NSString *BoundingBoxHeight = 0;
NSString *BoundingBoxLeft = 0;
NSString *BoundingBoxTop = 0;
NSString *BoundingBoxWidth = 0;
NSString *Confidence = 0;
NSString *EyeglassesConfidence = 0;
BOOL EyeglassesValue;
NSString *EyesOpenConfidence = 0;
BOOL EyesOpenValue;
NSString *GenderConfidence = 0;
NSString *GenderValue = 0;
NSString *MouthOpenConfidence = 0;
BOOL MouthOpenValue;
NSString *MustacheConfidence = 0;
BOOL MustacheValue;
NSString *PosePitch = 0;
NSString *PoseRoll = 0;
NSString *PoseYaw = 0;
NSString *QualityBrightness = 0;
NSString *QualitySharpness = 0;
NSString *SmileConfidence = 0;
BOOL SmileValue;
NSString *SunglassesConfidence = 0;
BOOL SunglassesValue;
int j;
int count_j;
NSString *v_Type = 0;
NSString *X = 0;
NSString *Y = 0;
int i = 0;
int count_i = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"FaceDetails"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
jResp.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
AgeRangeHigh = [[jResp IntOf: @"FaceDetails[i].AgeRange.High"] intValue];
AgeRangeLow = [[jResp IntOf: @"FaceDetails[i].AgeRange.Low"] intValue];
BeardConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Beard.Confidence"];
BeardValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Beard.Value"];
BoundingBoxHeight = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].BoundingBox.Height"];
BoundingBoxLeft = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].BoundingBox.Left"];
BoundingBoxTop = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].BoundingBox.Top"];
BoundingBoxWidth = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].BoundingBox.Width"];
Confidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Confidence"];
EyeglassesConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Eyeglasses.Confidence"];
EyeglassesValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Eyeglasses.Value"];
EyesOpenConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].EyesOpen.Confidence"];
EyesOpenValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].EyesOpen.Value"];
GenderConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Gender.Confidence"];
GenderValue = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Gender.Value"];
MouthOpenConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].MouthOpen.Confidence"];
MouthOpenValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].MouthOpen.Value"];
MustacheConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Mustache.Confidence"];
MustacheValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Mustache.Value"];
PosePitch = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Pose.Pitch"];
PoseRoll = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Pose.Roll"];
PoseYaw = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Pose.Yaw"];
QualityBrightness = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Quality.Brightness"];
QualitySharpness = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Quality.Sharpness"];
SmileConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Smile.Confidence"];
SmileValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Smile.Value"];
SunglassesConfidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Sunglasses.Confidence"];
SunglassesValue = [jResp BoolOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Sunglasses.Value"];
j = 0;
count_j = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"FaceDetails[i].Emotions"] intValue];
while (j < count_j) {
jResp.J = [NSNumber numberWithInt: j];
Confidence = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Emotions[j].Confidence"];
v_Type = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Emotions[j].Type"];
j = j + 1;
j = 0;
count_j = [[jResp SizeOfArray: @"FaceDetails[i].Landmarks"] intValue];
while (j < count_j) {
jResp.J = [NSNumber numberWithInt: j];
v_Type = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Landmarks[j].Type"];
X = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Landmarks[j].X"];
Y = [jResp StringOf: @"FaceDetails[i].Landmarks[j].Y"];
j = j + 1;
i = i + 1;