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(Objective-C) MS Teamwork: Create an Online MeetingSee more Microsoft Teams ExamplesDemonstrates how to create a Microsoft Teamwork Online MeetingNote:If using Application access (i.e. client credentials) which is what this example is doing, then you'll need to "Configure application access to online meetings or virtual events" See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/cloud-communication-online-meeting-application-access-policy#configure-application-access-policy For example, here's our Powershell session to setup the policy. Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Try the new cross-platform PowerShell https://aka.ms/pscore6 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Connect-MicrosoftTeams Account Environment Tenant TenantId ------- ----------- ------ -------- admin@chilkat365.com AzureCloud 112d7ed6-71bf-4eba-a866-738364321bfc 112d7ed6-71bf-4eba-a866-738364321bfc PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity Test-Teams-policy -AppIds "e1cd2318-298b-4916-bfd6-78cae9938835" -Description "Want App to be able to work with Teams for a User" Identity : Tag:Test-Teams-policy AppIds : {e1cd2318-298b-4916-bfd6-78cae9938835} Description : Want App to be able to work with Teams for a User PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Grant-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -PolicyName Test-Teams-policy -Identity "4ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004" PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Note: This example uses the new "Integrated OAuth2 Client Credentials" feature introduced in Chilkat v9.5.0.96. For more information, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/application-post-onlinemeetings?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http#request-body
#import <CkoHttp.h> #import <CkoJsonObject.h> #import <CkoHttpResponse.h> // This requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. BOOL success; CkoHttp *http = [[CkoHttp alloc] init]; // Provide the information needed for Chilkat to automatically fetch the OAuth2.0 // access token as needed. // This is the new "Integrated OAuth2 Client Credentials" feature introduced in Chilkat v9.5.0.96. CkoJsonObject *jsonOAuthCC = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init]; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // You'll need to have registered an app in Azure beforehand. // // Note: Creating an online meeting requires the following Application permission: OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All // // See How to Create an Azure App Registration for OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use the values from your App Registration in Azure. [jsonOAuthCC UpdateString: @"client_id" value: @"e1cd2318-xxxx-4916-bfd6-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]; [jsonOAuthCC UpdateString: @"client_secret" value: @"K.d8Q~RoJxxxxvCj_u_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]; // You'll always use this scope for client credentials, because the allowed actions // are determined by the App Permissions defined when you registered the app in Azure. [jsonOAuthCC UpdateString: @"scope" value: @"https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"]; // The token endpoint includes your tenant ID. Use your tenant ID (not the tenant ID shown here). [jsonOAuthCC UpdateString: @"token_endpoint" value: @"https://login.microsoftonline.com/112d7ed6-71bf-4eba-a866-738364321bfc/oauth2/v2.0/token"]; // Provide the OAuth2 information. Chilkat will use this information to automatically fetch the OAuth2 access token as needed, http.AuthToken = [jsonOAuthCC Emit]; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following JSON is sent in the request body. // { // "startDateTime": "2023-12-12T14:30:34-07:00", // "endDateTime": "2023-12-12T15:00:34-07:00", // "subject": "User Token Meeting" // } CkoJsonObject *json = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init]; [json UpdateString: @"startDateTime" value: @"2023-12-12T14:30:34-07:00"]; [json UpdateString: @"endDateTime" value: @"2023-12-12T15:00:34-07:00"]; [json UpdateString: @"subject" value: @"User Token Meeting"]; [http SetRequestHeader: @"Content-Type" value: @"application/json"]; // The user ID is 4ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004 // You will need to change the ID to your user's ID. CkoHttpResponse *resp = [http PostJson3: @"https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/4ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004/onlineMeetings" contentType: @"application/json" json: json]; if (http.LastMethodSuccess == NO) { NSLog(@"%@",http.LastErrorText); return; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IMPORTANT: // If using Application access, you will get the following error unless you configure your application // to manage online meetings on behalf of the user. (Note that the user ID is in the URL shown above.) // See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/cloud-communication-online-meeting-application-access-policy#allow-applications-to-access-online-meetings-on-behalf-of-a-user // // { // "error": { // "code": "General", // "message": "No application access policy found for this app.", // "innerError": { // "request-id": "1c9bd09a-a089-4afd-add4-eec2334135c8", // "date": "2023-11-17T16:26:53", // "client-request-id": "1c9bd09a-a089-4afd-add4-eec2334135c8" // } // } // } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CkoJsonObject *jsonResp = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init]; [jsonResp Load: resp.BodyStr]; jsonResp.EmitCompact = NO; NSLog(@"%@",[jsonResp Emit]); int statusCode = [resp.StatusCode intValue]; NSLog(@"%@%d",@"response status code = ",statusCode); if (statusCode != 201) { NSLog(@"%@",@"Failed."); return; } // Here is a sample response: // Use the following online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: // Generate Parsing Code from JSON // { // "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('4ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004')/onlineMeetings/$entity", // "id": "MSo0ZWU3MzJjMy0zMjJlLTRhNmItYjcyOS0yZmQxZWI1YzYwMDQqMCoqMTk6bWVldGluZ19ZemswWXpOaU9XTXRaV0l5TUMwME5EY3dMVGt4Tm1VdFlUSXpOMlF3WTJKbE9HWm1AdGhyZWFkLnYy", // "creationDateTime": "2023-11-17T17:00:45.1935677Z", // "startDateTime": "2023-12-12T21:30:34Z", // "endDateTime": "2023-12-12T22:00:34Z", // "joinUrl": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yzk0YzNiOWMtZWIyMC00NDcwLTkxNmUtYTIzN2QwY2JlOGZm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22112d7ed6-71bf-4eba-a866-738364321bfc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004%22%7d", // "meetingCode": "238818764794", // "isBroadcast": false, // "autoAdmittedUsers": "everyoneInCompany", // "outerMeetingAutoAdmittedUsers": null, // "capabilities": [ // ], // "externalId": null, // "iCalUid": null, // "meetingType": null, // "meetingMigrationMode": null, // "joinWebUrl": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Yzk0YzNiOWMtZWIyMC00NDcwLTkxNmUtYTIzN2QwY2JlOGZm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22112d7ed6-71bf-4eba-a866-738364321bfc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004%22%7d", // "subject": "User Token Meeting", // "videoTeleconferenceId": null, // "isEntryExitAnnounced": true, // "allowedPresenters": "everyone", // "allowAttendeeToEnableMic": true, // "allowAttendeeToEnableCamera": true, // "allowMeetingChat": "enabled", // "shareMeetingChatHistoryDefault": "none", // "allowTeamworkReactions": true, // "anonymizeIdentityForRoles": [ // ], // "recordAutomatically": false, // "allowParticipantsToChangeName": false, // "allowTranscription": true, // "allowRecording": true, // "broadcastSettings": null, // "meetingInfo": null, // "audioConferencing": null, // "watermarkProtection": null, // "chatRestrictions": null, // "participants": { // "organizer": { // "upn": "admin@chilkat365.com", // "role": "presenter", // "identity": { // "application": null, // "device": null, // "user": { // "id": "4ee732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6004", // "displayName": null, // "tenantId": "112d7ed6-71bf-4eba-a866-738364321bfc", // "identityProvider": "AAD" // } // } // }, // "attendees": [ // ] // }, // "chatInfo": { // "threadId": "19:meeting_Yzk0YzNiOWMtZWIyMC00NDcwLTkxNmUtYTIzN2QwY2JlOGZm@thread.v2", // "messageId": "0", // "replyChainMessageId": null // }, // "joinInformation": { // "content": "data:text/html,%3cdiv+style%3d%22width%3a .... %2fdiv%3e", // "contentType": "html" // }, // "joinMeetingIdSettings": { // "isPasscodeRequired": false, // "joinMeetingId": "238818764794", // "passcode": null // }, // "lobbyBypassSettings": { // "scope": "organization", // "isDialInBypassEnabled": false // } // } // Use the following online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: // Generate Parsing Code from JSON NSLog(@"%@",@"Success."); |
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