(Lianja) Untar a .tar.Z (.taz) Compressed Archive
Untar a .tar.Z (.taz) compressed archive.
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
// Untar a .tar archive.
loTar = createobject("CkTar")
// Untar into c:/temp/untarDir. The directory tree(s) contained
// within the TAR archive will be re-created rooted at this
// directory.
loTar.UntarFromDir = "/Users/chilkat/temp/untarDir"
// If any filepaths within the Tar archive are absolute,
// automatically make them relative by removing the first
// forward or backward slash. This protects from untarring
// files to unexpected locations.
loTar.NoAbsolutePaths = .T.
llSuccess = loTar.UntarZ("/Users/chilkat/testData/tar/abc123.tar.Z")
if (llSuccess <> .T.) then
? loTar.LastErrorText
? "Success"
release loTar