(Lianja) Duo Auth API - Check
The /check endpoint can be called to verify that the Auth API integration and secret keys are valid, and that the signature is being generated properly.
Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.89 or greater. For more information, see https://duo.com/docs/authapi#/check
// This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
// See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
lcIntegrationKey = "DIMS3V5QDVG9J9ABRXC4"
lcSecretKey = "HWVQ46nubLBxhnRlKddTltWIi3hL0fIQF2qTvLab"
loHttp = createobject("CkHttp")
loHttp.Accept = "application/json"
// Use your own hostname here:
lcUrl = "https://api-a03782e1.duosecurity.com/auth/v2/check"
// This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.89 or greater because Chilkat will automatically
// generate and send the HMAC signature for the requires based on the integration key and secret key.
loHttp.Login = lcIntegrationKey
loHttp.Password = lcSecretKey
lcJsonStr = loHttp.QuickGetStr(lcUrl)
if (loHttp.LastMethodSuccess = .F.) then
? loHttp.LastErrorText
release loHttp
? "status code = " + str(loHttp.LastStatus)
? lcJsonStr
// Sample successful output:
// status code = 200
// {"response": {"time": 1632358829}, "stat": "OK"}
release loHttp