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(Visual FoxPro) Google Drive - Build a Local Cache of MetadataThis example demonstrates how to download the metadata for all files in a Google Drive account to create a local filesystem cache with the information. The cache can be used to fetch information without having to query Google Drive.
LOCAL lnSuccess LOCAL loGAuth LOCAL loRest LOCAL lnBAutoReconnect LOCAL loGdCache LOCAL lnNumCacheFilesDeleted LOCAL loDtExpire LOCAL lcAllFields LOCAL loJsonMaster LOCAL loJsonMasterArr LOCAL loJsonMasterPaths LOCAL loJson LOCAL loJsonFileMetadata LOCAL i LOCAL lnNumFiles LOCAL lcJsonResponse LOCAL lnPageNumber LOCAL lcPageToken LOCAL lnBContinueLoop LOCAL lnBHasMorePages LOCAL loHashTable LOCAL loSbPathForFileId LOCAL loSaFileInfo LOCAL lcFileId LOCAL loSbPath LOCAL lnBFinished LOCAL lcStrJsonMaster lnSuccess = 1 * It requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. * See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. * This example uses a previously obtained access token having permission for the * Google Drive scope. * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.AuthGoogle') loGAuth = CreateObject('Chilkat.AuthGoogle') loGAuth.AccessToken = "GOOGLE_DRIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN" * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.Rest') loRest = CreateObject('Chilkat.Rest') * Connect using TLS. lnBAutoReconnect = 1 lnSuccess = loRest.Connect("www.googleapis.com",443,1,lnBAutoReconnect) * Provide the authentication credentials (i.e. the access token) loRest.SetAuthGoogle(loGAuth) * ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize our cache object. Indicate the location of the root cache directory, and how many cache levels are to exist. * For small caches (level 0) all cache files are in the root directory. * For medium caches (level 1) cache files are located in 256 sub-directories from the root. * For large caches (level 2) cache files are located in 256x256 sub-directories two levels down from the root. * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.Cache') loGdCache = CreateObject('Chilkat.Cache') loGdCache.Level = 0 * Use a root directory that makes sense on your operating system.. loGdCache.AddRoot("C:/ckCache/googleDrive") * If we are re-building the cache, we can first delete the entire contents of the cache. lnNumCacheFilesDeleted = loGdCache.DeleteAll() * Create a date/time object with an time 7 days from the current date/time. * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.CkDateTime') loDtExpire = CreateObject('Chilkat.CkDateTime') loDtExpire.SetFromCurrentSystemTime() loDtExpire.AddDays(7) * Indicate that we want ALL possible fields. * If no fields are indicated, then only the basic fields are returned. lcAllFields = "appProperties,capabilities,contentHints,createdTime,description,explicitlyTrashed,fileExtension,folderColorRgb,fullFileExtension,headRevisionId,iconLink,id,imageMediaMetadata,isAppAuthorized,kind,lastModifyingUser,md5Checksum,mimeType,modifiedByMeTime,modifiedTime,name,originalFilename,ownedByMe,owners,parents,permissions,properties,quotaBytesUsed,shared,sharedWithMeTime,sharingUser,size,spaces,starred,thumbnailLink,trashed,version,videoMediaMetadata,viewedByMe,viewedByMeTime,viewersCanCopyContent,webContentLink,webViewLink,writersCanShare" * We're going to keep a master list of fileId's as we iterate over all the files in this Google Drive account. * This master list will also be saved to the cache under the key "AllGoogleDriveFileIds". * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject') loJsonMaster = CreateObject('Chilkat.JsonObject') loJsonMasterArr = loJsonMaster.AppendArray("fileIds") * Also keep a list of file paths. loJsonMasterPaths = loJsonMaster.AppendArray("filePaths") * The default page size is 100, with a max of 1000. loRest.AddQueryParam("pageSize","200") * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject') loJson = CreateObject('Chilkat.JsonObject') * Send the request for the 1st page. lcJsonResponse = loRest.FullRequestNoBody("GET","/drive/v3/files") lnPageNumber = 1 lnBContinueLoop = loRest.LastMethodSuccess AND (loRest.ResponseStatusCode = 200) DO WHILE lnBContinueLoop = 1 ? "---- Page " + STR(lnPageNumber) + " ----" loJson.Load(lcJsonResponse) lnNumFiles = loJson.SizeOfArray("files") i = 0 DO WHILE i < lnNumFiles * Add this file ID to the master list. loJson.I = i loJsonMasterArr.AddStringAt(-1,loJson.StringOf("files[i].id")) i = i + 1 ENDDO * Get the next page of files. * If the "nextPageToken" is present in the JSON response, then use it in the "pageToken" parameter * for the next request. If no "nextPageToken" was present, then this was the last page of files. lcPageToken = loJson.StringOf("nextPageToken") lnBContinueLoop = 0 lnBHasMorePages = loJson.LastMethodSuccess IF (lnBHasMorePages = 1) THEN loRest.ClearAllQueryParams() loRest.AddQueryParam("pageSize","200") loRest.AddQueryParam("pageToken",lcPageToken) lcJsonResponse = loRest.FullRequestNoBody("GET","/drive/v3/files") lnBContinueLoop = loRest.LastMethodSuccess AND (loRest.ResponseStatusCode = 200) lnPageNumber = lnPageNumber + 1 ENDIF ENDDO RELEASE loJsonMasterArr * Check to see if the above loop exited with errors... IF (loRest.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) THEN ? loRest.LastErrorText RELEASE loGAuth RELEASE loRest RELEASE loGdCache RELEASE loDtExpire RELEASE loJsonMaster RELEASE loJson CANCEL ENDIF * Check to see if the above loop exited with errors... * A successful response will have a status code equal to 200. IF (loRest.ResponseStatusCode <> 200) THEN ? "response status code = " + STR(loRest.ResponseStatusCode) ? "response status text = " + loRest.ResponseStatusText ? "response header: " + loRest.ResponseHeader ? "response JSON: " + lcJsonResponse RELEASE loGAuth RELEASE loRest RELEASE loGdCache RELEASE loDtExpire RELEASE loJsonMaster RELEASE loJson CANCEL ENDIF * Iterate over the file IDs and download the metadata for each, saving each to the cache... * Also, keep in-memory hash entries of the name and parent[0] so we can quickly * build the path-->fileId cache entries. (Given that the Google Drive REST API uses * fileIds, this gives us an easy way to lookup a fileId based on a filePath.) * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.Hashtable') loHashTable = CreateObject('Chilkat.Hashtable') * Set the capacity of the hash table to something reasonable for the number of files * to be hashed. loHashTable.ClearWithNewCapacity(521) * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder') loSbPathForFileId = CreateObject('Chilkat.StringBuilder') * Used for storing the file name and parents[0] in the hashTable. * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.StringArray') loSaFileInfo = CreateObject('Chilkat.StringArray') loSaFileInfo.Unique = 0 lnNumFiles = loJsonMaster.SizeOfArray("fileIds") i = 0 DO WHILE i < lnNumFiles loJsonMaster.I = i lcFileId = loJsonMaster.StringOf("fileIds[i]") loSbPathForFileId.SetString("/drive/v3/files/") loSbPathForFileId.Append(lcFileId) loRest.ClearAllQueryParams() loRest.AddQueryParam("fields",lcAllFields) lcJsonResponse = loRest.FullRequestNoBody("GET",loSbPathForFileId.GetAsString()) IF ((loRest.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) OR (loRest.ResponseStatusCode <> 200)) THEN * Force an exit of this loop.. lnNumFiles = 0 ENDIF * Save this file's metadata to the local cache. * The lookup key is the fileId. loGdCache.SaveTextDt(lcFileId,loDtExpire,"",lcJsonResponse) * Get this file's name and parent[0], and put this information * in our in-memory hashtable to be used below.. loJson.Load(lcJsonResponse) loSaFileInfo.Clear() loSaFileInfo.Append(loJson.StringOf("name")) loSaFileInfo.Append(loJson.StringOf("parents[0]")) loHashTable.AddStr(lcFileId,loSaFileInfo.Serialize()) ? loJson.StringOf("name") + ", " + loJson.StringOf("parents[0]") i = i + 1 ENDDO * Check to see if the above loop exited with errors... IF (loRest.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) THEN ? loRest.LastErrorText RELEASE loGAuth RELEASE loRest RELEASE loGdCache RELEASE loDtExpire RELEASE loJsonMaster RELEASE loJson RELEASE loHashTable RELEASE loSbPathForFileId RELEASE loSaFileInfo CANCEL ENDIF * Check to see if the above loop exited with errors... * A successful response will have a status code equal to 200. IF (loRest.ResponseStatusCode <> 200) THEN ? "response status code = " + STR(loRest.ResponseStatusCode) ? "response status text = " + loRest.ResponseStatusText ? "response header: " + loRest.ResponseHeader ? "response JSON: " + lcJsonResponse RELEASE loGAuth RELEASE loRest RELEASE loGdCache RELEASE loDtExpire RELEASE loJsonMaster RELEASE loJson RELEASE loHashTable RELEASE loSbPathForFileId RELEASE loSaFileInfo CANCEL ENDIF * Now that all the fileId's are in the cache, let's build the directory path * for each fileID. * (Technically, a fileId can have multiple parents, which means it can be in multiple directories * at once. This is only going to build directory paths following the 0'th parent ID in the parents list.) * The directory path for files in "My Drive" will be just the filename. * For files in sub-directories, the path will be relative, such as "subdir1/subdir2/something.pdf" * ? "---- building paths ----" * For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject('Chilkat_9_5_0.StringBuilder') loSbPath = CreateObject('Chilkat.StringBuilder') lnNumFiles = loJsonMaster.SizeOfArray("fileIds") i = 0 DO WHILE i < lnNumFiles loJsonMaster.I = i loSbPath.Clear() lcFileId = loJsonMaster.StringOf("fileIds[i]") lnBFinished = 0 DO WHILE (lnBFinished = 0) loSaFileInfo.Clear() loSaFileInfo.AppendSerialized(loHashTable.LookupStr(lcFileId)) * Append this file or directory name. loSbPath.Prepend(loSaFileInfo.GetString(0)) * Get the parent fileId lcFileId = loSaFileInfo.GetString(1) * If this fileId is not in the hashtable, then it's the fileId for "My Drive", and we are finished. IF (loHashTable.Contains(lcFileId) = 0) THEN lnBFinished = 1 ELSE loSbPath.Prepend("/") ENDIF ENDDO ? STR(i) + ": " + loSbPath.GetAsString() * Store the filePath --> fileId mapping in our local cache. lcFileId = loJsonMaster.StringOf("fileIds[i]") loGdCache.SaveTextDt(loSbPath.GetAsString(),loDtExpire,"",lcFileId) loJsonMasterPaths.AddStringAt(-1,loSbPath.GetAsString()) i = i + 1 ENDDO RELEASE loJsonMasterPaths * Save the master list of file IDs and file paths to the local cache. loJsonMaster.EmitCompact = 0 lcStrJsonMaster = loJsonMaster.Emit() loGdCache.SaveTextNoExpire("AllGoogleDriveFileIds","",lcStrJsonMaster) ? "JSON Master Record:" ? lcStrJsonMaster * The JSON Master Cache Record looks something like this: * An application can load the JSON master record and iterate over all the files * in Google Drive by file ID, or by path. * { * "fileIds": [ * "0B53Q6OSTWYolQlExSlBQT1phZXM", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolVHRPVkxtYWFtZkk", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolRGZEV3ZGUTZfNFk", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolS2FXSjliMXQxSU0", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolZUhxckMzb0dRMzg", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolbUF6WS1Gei1oalk", * "0B53Q6OSTWYola296ODZUSm5GYU0", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolbTE3c3J5RHBUcHM", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolTmhybWJSUGd5Q2c", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolY2tPU1BnYW02T2c", * "0B53Q6OSTWYolTTBBR2NvUE81Zzg", * ], * "filePaths": [ * "testFolder/abc/123/pigs.json", * "testFolder/starfish20.jpg", * "testFolder/penguins2.jpg", * "testFolder/starfish.jpg", * "testFolder/abc/123/starfish.jpg", * "testFolder/abc/123/penguins.jpg", * "testFolder/abc/123", * "testFolder/abc", * "testFolder/testHello.txt", * "testFolder", * "helloWorld.txt", * ] * } ? "Entire cache rebuilt..." RELEASE loGAuth RELEASE loRest RELEASE loGdCache RELEASE loDtExpire RELEASE loJsonMaster RELEASE loJson RELEASE loHashTable RELEASE loSbPathForFileId RELEASE loSaFileInfo RELEASE loSbPath |
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