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(Delphi ActiveX) Shopware 6 - Find Product by NameSee more Shopware 6 ExamplesFind a product with a given name and get the id.
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Chilkat_TLB; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var http: TChilkatHttp; success: Integer; json: TChilkatJsonObject; jsonToken: TChilkatJsonObject; resp: IChilkatHttpResponse; sbResponseBody: TChilkatStringBuilder; jResp: TChilkatJsonObject; respStatusCode: Integer; numSearchResults: Integer; productId: WideString; begin // This example assumes the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. http := TChilkatHttp.Create(Self); // Sends the following POST to find the product named "Test123" // POST /api/v3/search/product // { // "filter": [ // { "type": "equals", "field": "name", "value": "Test123" } // ], // "includes": { // "product": ["id", "name"] // } // } // Create the above JSON. // Use this online tool to generate code from sample JSON: // Generate Code to Create JSON json := TChilkatJsonObject.Create(Self); json.UpdateString('filter[0].type','equals'); json.UpdateString('filter[0].field','name'); json.UpdateString('filter[0].value','Test123'); json.UpdateString('includes.product[0]','id'); json.UpdateString('includes.product[1]','name'); // // Load the access token previously obtained in Shopware 6 OAuth2 Client Credentials jsonToken := TChilkatJsonObject.Create(Self); jsonToken.LoadFile('qa_data/tokens/shopware6.json'); // This causes the "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" header to be added. http.AuthToken := jsonToken.StringOf('access_token'); // Note: If you get a 401 response status code, then fetch a new access token and retry. resp := http.PostJson3('https://my-shopware-6-shop.de/api/v3/search/product','application/json',json.ControlInterface); if (http.LastMethodSuccess = 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(http.LastErrorText); Exit; end; sbResponseBody := TChilkatStringBuilder.Create(Self); resp.GetBodySb(sbResponseBody.ControlInterface); jResp := TChilkatJsonObject.Create(Self); jResp.LoadSb(sbResponseBody.ControlInterface); jResp.EmitCompact := 0; Memo1.Lines.Add('Response Body:'); Memo1.Lines.Add(jResp.Emit()); // If we get a 401 response, it may be that our access token expired and we need to fetch a new one. respStatusCode := resp.StatusCode; Memo1.Lines.Add('Response Status Code = ' + IntToStr(respStatusCode)); if (respStatusCode >= 400) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Response Header:'); Memo1.Lines.Add(resp.Header); Memo1.Lines.Add('Failed.'); Exit; end; // The response looks like this: // Use the following online tool to generate parsing code from sample JSON: // Generate Parsing Code from JSON // { // "data": [ // { // "id": "d195dabb53cf46d096bd9a8726d82558", // "type": "product", // "attributes": { // "name": "Test123", // "apiAlias": null // }, // "links": { // "self": "https:\/\/***.de\/api\/v3\/product\/d195dabb53cf46d096bd9a8726d82558" // }, // "relationships": [ // ], // "meta": null // } // ], // "included": [ // ], // "links": { // "self": "https:\/\/***.de\/api\/v3\/search\/product" // }, // "meta": { // "totalCountMode": 0, // "total": 1 // }, // "aggregations": [ // ] // } numSearchResults := jResp.SizeOfArray('data'); if (numSearchResults <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('numSearchResults = ' + IntToStr(numSearchResults)); Memo1.Lines.Add('Did not find the product, or unexpectedly found more than one with the same name.'); Exit; end; productId := jResp.StringOf('data[0].id'); Memo1.Lines.Add('Product ID = ' + productId); end; |
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