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(Delphi ActiveX) REST OAuth1 with ParamsDemonstrates how to use OAuth 1.0a "one legged" authentication with Woo Commerce, with URLs that use query parameters. For example: /orders?status=processing
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Chilkat_TLB; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var oauth1: TChilkatOAuth1; success: Integer; rest: TChilkatRest; bUseQueryParams: Integer; bTls: Integer; port: Integer; bAutoReconnect: Integer; responseJson: WideString; begin // Demonstrates how to do OAuth1 authentication with query parameters (for a Wordpress site using Woo Commerce). // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. // Prepare an OAuth 1.0 object for use with the Chilkat REST API. oauth1 := TChilkatOAuth1.Create(Self); oauth1.ConsumerKey := 'WOO_COMMERCE_CONSUMER_KEY'; oauth1.ConsumerSecret := 'WOO_COMMERCE_CONSUMER_SECRET'; // The signature method can be HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA256 oauth1.SignatureMethod := 'HMAC-SHA256'; // The OauthUrl property will need to be updated each time a request is sent. // The domain here must match the domain passed to the Connect method (below). // The domain must be exact. For example, "www.your-wordpress-site.com" vs. "your-wordpress-site.com". // One might work while the other does not.. oauth1.OauthUrl := 'http://your-wordpress-site.com/wc-api/v3/orders'; // We need to tell OAuth1 about our extra query parameters so they can be used // in generating the OAuth1 signature. // In this example, we want to add the param "status=processing" success := oauth1.AddParam('status','processing'); // The OAuthMethod property will be set automatically when the REST request is sent. // Setting it here is not actually necessary. oauth1.OauthMethod := 'GET'; // Generate an initial nonce so that Chilkat knows the desired size of the nonce. success := oauth1.GenNonce(32); rest := TChilkatRest.Create(Self); // Tell the REST object to use the OAuth1 object for authentication. // Also, indicate that the OAuth authentication parameters should be query parameters // and not located within the Authorization header. bUseQueryParams := 1; success := rest.SetAuthOAuth1(oauth1.ControlInterface,bUseQueryParams); // Make the initial connection (without sending a request yet) to the WooCommerce endpoint at your Wordpress blog. bTls := 0; port := 80; bAutoReconnect := 1; success := rest.Connect('your-wordpress-site.com',port,bTls,bAutoReconnect); if (success <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(rest.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // Send a GET request to list orders. // The extra query params must be added here. // (Whatever params are added here should've also been added to the OAuth1 object.) success := rest.AddQueryParam('status','processing'); // When the request is sent, the OAuth1 object's Timestamp and Nonce properties are automatically // regenerated. Also, the OAuth1 object's OauthMethod property is automatically set to the HTTP method // used for the request (in this case it is "GET"). responseJson := rest.FullRequestNoBody('GET','/wc-api/v3/orders'); if (rest.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(rest.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // When successful, the response status code will equal 200. if (rest.ResponseStatusCode <> 200) then begin // Examine the request/response to see what happened. Memo1.Lines.Add('response status code = ' + IntToStr(rest.ResponseStatusCode)); Memo1.Lines.Add('response status text = ' + rest.ResponseStatusText); Memo1.Lines.Add('response header: ' + rest.ResponseHeader); Memo1.Lines.Add('response body (if any): ' + responseJson); Memo1.Lines.Add('---'); Memo1.Lines.Add('LastRequestStartLine: ' + rest.LastRequestStartLine); Memo1.Lines.Add('LastRequestHeader: ' + rest.LastRequestHeader); Exit; end; Memo1.Lines.Add(responseJson); Memo1.Lines.Add('Success.'); end; |
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