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(Delphi ActiveX) Create JWS Using Private Key on a Smart CardSee more JSON Web Signatures (JWS) ExamplesCreates and validates a JSON Web Signature (JWS) using the private key associated with a certificate on a smart card.
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Chilkat_TLB; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var cert: TChilkatCert; success: Integer; privKey: IPrivateKey; jwsProtHdr: TChilkatJsonObject; jws: TChilkatJws; signatureIndex: Integer; bIncludeBom: Integer; payloadStr: WideString; jwsCompact: WideString; jws2: TChilkatJws; rsaPubKey: IPublicKey; v: Integer; joseHeader: IChilkatJsonObject; begin // This requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. // Load the certificate from a smart card. cert := TChilkatCert.Create(Self); success := cert.LoadFromSmartcard(''); if (success = 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(cert.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // Note: Chilkat provides many different ways to load a certificate from a smartcard or USB token, // such as selecting a certificate if the card contains multiple certificates with private keys, // or working with lower-level PKCS11 or ScMinidriver API's (both of which Chilkat provides). // If the associated private key was present on the smartcard, then you can simply // get it from the Chilkat cert object: privKey := cert.ExportPrivateKey(); if (cert.LastMethodSuccess = 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(cert.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // You can check the key type to make sure it's RSA. // This will output "rsa" if the key is RSA. Memo1.Lines.Add('Key type = ' + privKey.KeyType); // Create the JWS Protected Header jwsProtHdr := TChilkatJsonObject.Create(Self); jwsProtHdr.AppendString('alg','RS256'); jws := TChilkatJws.Create(Self); // Set the protected header: signatureIndex := 0; jws.SetProtectedHeader(signatureIndex,jwsProtHdr.ControlInterface); // Set the RSA key: jws.SetPrivateKey(signatureIndex,privKey); // Set the payload. bIncludeBom := 0; payloadStr := 'In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars.'; jws.SetPayload(payloadStr,'utf-8',bIncludeBom); // Create the JWS // By default, the compact serialization is used. jwsCompact := jws.CreateJws(); if (jws.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(jws.LastErrorText); Exit; end; Memo1.Lines.Add('JWS: ' + jwsCompact); // sample output: // JWS: eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiJ9.SW4gb3VyIHZpbGxhZ2UsIGZvbGtzIHNheSBHb2QgY3J1bWJsZXMgdXAgdGhlIG9sZCBtb29uIGludG8gc3RhcnMu.TRWhwRo5dMv9-8OzrInfJTwmUGYgjLfHk8lqF072ND-FmLWEBnUTOpY8oJXp8FdWw2SalbdOeNlrtlJjwk4XK8Ql2iJ_2qMCtxsvLPhKBOqFoAF4aBvTOEDVJDxf0DaBSiydEEtfTVV2iwBcjWabu5J2XieR5y7QZQtuHsn7T3qKBvCcCejN3Y2oqAT3qMHvu1fTms1r_91wBn_K7Wjd9UkZ1n02qQcUHJznR_OF2BgN7_KWIDAF9ZS9keoju2NPpPelO4yxa2XUPnehY3G7dHKoCxUEQR4d2Xc5voqDASTVCDqQS4PVOZdvT3Ein6-SanAlCwbWBbkvT8g6-5PImQ // Now load the JWS, validate, and recover the original text. jws2 := TChilkatJws.Create(Self); // Load the JWS. success := jws2.LoadJws(jwsCompact); rsaPubKey := privKey.GetPublicKey(); // Set the RSA public key used for validation. signatureIndex := 0; jws2.SetPublicKey(signatureIndex,rsaPubKey); // Validate the 1st (and only) signature at index 0.. v := jws2.Validate(signatureIndex); if (v < 0) then begin // Perhaps Chilkat was not unlocked or the trial expired.. Memo1.Lines.Add('Method call failed for some other reason.'); Memo1.Lines.Add(jws2.LastErrorText); Exit; end; if (v = 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Invalid signature. The RSA key was incorrect, the JWS was invalid, or both.'); Exit; end; // If we get here, the signature was validated.. Memo1.Lines.Add('Signature validated.'); // Recover the original content: Memo1.Lines.Add(jws2.GetPayload('utf-8')); // Examine the protected header: joseHeader := jws2.GetProtectedHeader(signatureIndex); if (jws2.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('No protected header found at the given index.'); Exit; end; joseHeader.EmitCompact := 0; Memo1.Lines.Add('Protected (JOSE) header:'); Memo1.Lines.Add(joseHeader.Emit()); // Output: // Signature validated. // In our village, folks say God crumbles up the old moon into stars. // Protected (JOSE) header: // { // "alg": "RS256" // } end; |
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