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(Delphi ActiveX) Modify Parts of JSON DocumentDemonstrates how to modify parts of a JSON document. This example uses the following JSON document: { "fruit": [ { "kind": "apple", "count": 24, "fresh": true, "extraInfo": null, "listA": [ "abc", 1, null, false ], "objectB": { "animal" : "monkey" } }, { "kind": "pear", "count": 18, "fresh": false, "extraInfo": null "listA": [ "xyz", 24, null, true ], "objectB": { "animal" : "lemur" } } ], "list" : [ "banana", 12, true, null, "orange", 12.5, { "ticker": "AAPL" }, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ], "alien" : true }
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Chilkat_TLB; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var json: TChilkatJsonObject; success: Integer; listA: IChilkatJsonArray; bNull: Integer; tickerObj: IChilkatJsonObject; aa: IChilkatJsonArray; aFruit: IChilkatJsonArray; appleObj: IChilkatJsonObject; pearObj: IChilkatJsonObject; begin json := TChilkatJsonObject.Create(Self); // Load the JSON from a file. success := json.LoadFile('qa_data/json/modifySample.json'); if (success <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(json.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // This example will not check for errors (i.e. null / false / 0 return values)... // Get the "list" array: listA := json.ArrayOf('list'); // Modify values in the list. // Change banana to plantain success := listA.SetStringAt(0,'plantain'); // Change 12 to 24 success := listA.SetIntAt(1,24); // Change true to false success := listA.SetBoolAt(2,0); // Is the 3rd item null? bNull := listA.IsNullAt(3); // Change "orange" to 32. success := listA.SetIntAt(4,32); // Change 12.5 to 31.2 success := listA.SetNumberAt(5,'31.2'); // Replace the { "ticker" : "AAPL" } object with { "ticker" : "GOOG" } // Do this by deleting, then inserting a new object at the same location. success := listA.DeleteAt(6); success := listA.AddObjectAt(6); tickerObj := listA.ObjectAt(6); success := tickerObj.AddStringAt(-1,'ticker','GOOG'); // Replace "[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]" with "[ "apple", 22, true, null, 1080.25 ]" success := listA.DeleteAt(7); success := listA.AddArrayAt(7); aa := listA.ArrayAt(7); success := aa.AddStringAt(-1,'apple'); success := aa.AddIntAt(-1,22); success := aa.AddBoolAt(-1,1); success := aa.AddNullAt(-1); success := aa.AddNumberAt(-1,'1080.25'); // Get the "fruit" array aFruit := json.ArrayAt(0); // Get the 1st element: appleObj := aFruit.ObjectAt(0); // Modify values by member name: success := appleObj.SetStringOf('fruit','fuji_apple'); success := appleObj.SetIntOf('count',46); success := appleObj.SetBoolOf('fresh',0); success := appleObj.SetStringOf('extraInfo','developed by growers at the Tohoku Research Station in Fujisaki'); // Modify values by index: pearObj := aFruit.ObjectAt(1); success := pearObj.SetStringAt(0,'bartlett_pear'); success := pearObj.SetIntAt(1,12); success := pearObj.SetBoolAt(2,0); success := pearObj.SetStringAt(3,'harvested in late August to early September'); json.EmitCompact := 0; Memo1.Lines.Add(json.Emit()); end; |
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