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(Delphi ActiveX) Search IMAP Mailbox for Email Matching CriteriaSearching an IMAP mailbox for messages that match search criteria.
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Chilkat_TLB; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var imap: TChilkatImap; success: Integer; messageSet: IMessageSet; fetchUids: Integer; allMsgs: WideString; answered: WideString; onDate: WideString; betweenDates: WideString; complexSearch1: WideString; bodySearch: WideString; orSearch: WideString; fromSearch: WideString; johnSearch: WideString; recentSearch: WideString; notRecentSearch: WideString; oldSearch: WideString; markedForDeleteSearch: WideString; headerSearch: WideString; headerExistsSearch: WideString; newSearch: WideString; sizeLargerSearch: WideString; seenSearch: WideString; notSeenSearch: WideString; toSearch: WideString; toSearch2: WideString; smallerSearch: WideString; fullSubstringSearch: WideString; bundle: IChilkatEmailBundle; i: Integer; email: IChilkatEmail; begin // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. imap := TChilkatImap.Create(Self); // Connect to an IMAP server. // Use TLS imap.Ssl := 1; imap.Port := 993; success := imap.Connect('imap.someMailServer.com'); if (success <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(imap.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // Login success := imap.Login('myLogin','myPassword'); if (success <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(imap.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // Select an IMAP mailbox success := imap.SelectMailbox('Inbox'); if (success <> 1) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(imap.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // We can choose to fetch UIDs or sequence numbers. fetchUids := 1; // Here are examples of different search criteria: // Return all messages. allMsgs := 'ALL'; // Search for already-answered emails. answered := 'ANSWERED'; // Search for messages on a specific date. // The date string is DD-Month-YYYY where Month is // Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, or Dec. onDate := 'SENTON 05-Mar-2007'; // Search for messages between two dates. SENTBEFORE // finds emails sent before a date, and SENTSINCE finds // email sent on or after a date. The "AND" operation // is implied by joining criteria, separated by spaces. betweenDates := 'SENTSINCE 01-Mar-2007 SENTBEFORE 05-Mar-2007'; // Another example of AND: find all unanswered emails // sent after 04-Mar-2007 with "Problem" in the subject: complexSearch1 := 'UNANSWERED SENTSINCE 04-Mar-2007 Subject "Problem"'; // Find messages with a specific string in the body: bodySearch := 'BODY "problem solved"'; // Using OR. The syntax is OR <criteria1> <criteria2>. // The "OR" comes first, followed by each criteria. // For example, to match all emails with "Help" or "Question" in the subject. // You'll notice that literal strings may be quoted or unquoted. // If a literal contains SPACE characters, quote it: orSearch := 'OR SUBJECT Help SUBJECT Question'; // ---------------------------------------------- // Strings are case-insensitive when searching.... // ---------------------------------------------- // Find all emails sent from yahoo.com addresses: fromSearch := 'FROM yahoo.com'; // Find all emails sent from anyone with "John" in their name: johnSearch := 'FROM John'; // Find emails with the RECENT flag set: recentSearch := 'RECENT'; // Find emails that don't have the recent flag set: notRecentSearch := 'NOT RECENT'; // This is synonymous with "OLD": oldSearch := 'OLD'; // Find all emails marked for deletion: markedForDeleteSearch := 'DELETED'; // Find all emails having a specified header field with a value // containing a substring: headerSearch := 'HEADER DomainKey-Signature paypal.com'; // Find any emails having a specific header field. If the // 2nd argument to the "HEADER" criteria is an empty string, // any email having the header field is returned regardless // of the header field's content. // Find any emails with a DomainKey-Signature field: headerExistsSearch := 'HEADER DomainKey-Signature ""'; // Find NEW emails: these are emails that have the RECENT flag // set, but not the SEEN flag: newSearch := 'NEW'; // Find emails larger than a certain number of bytes: sizeLargerSearch := 'LARGER 500000'; // Find emails marked as seen or not already seen: seenSearch := 'SEEN'; notSeenSearch := 'NOT SEEN'; // Find emails having a given substring in the TO header field: toSearch := 'TO support@chilkatsoft.com'; // A more long-winded way to do the same thing: toSearch2 := 'HEADER TO support@chilkatsoft.com'; // Find emails smaller than a size in bytes: smallerSearch := 'SMALLER 30000'; // Find emails that have a substring anywhere in the header // or body: fullSubstringSearch := 'TEXT "Zip Component"'; // Pass any of the above strings here to test a search: messageSet := imap.Search(orSearch,fetchUids); if (imap.LastMethodSuccess = 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(imap.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // Fetch the email headers into a bundle object: bundle := imap.FetchHeaders(messageSet); if (imap.LastMethodSuccess = 0) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(imap.LastErrorText); Exit; end; // Display the Subject and From of each email. i := 0; while i < bundle.MessageCount do begin email := bundle.GetEmail(i); Memo1.Lines.Add(email.GetHeaderField('Date')); Memo1.Lines.Add(email.Subject); Memo1.Lines.Add(email.From); Memo1.Lines.Add('--'); i := i + 1; end; // Disconnect from the IMAP server. success := imap.Disconnect(); end; |
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