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(DataFlex) Twitter Tweet with an ImageExample to post a status update with an associated image/photo (or video).
Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg Procedure Test Handle hoJson Boolean iSuccess Handle hoRest Variant vOauth1 Handle hoOauth1 Boolean iBAutoReconnect String sTweetContent String sResp Handle hoJsonResponse String sTemp1 Integer iTemp1 Boolean bTemp1 // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This initial setup, which involves setting the OAuth1 properties and connecting // to api.twitter.com, is only required once at the beginning. Once connected, the same // object instance may be re-used, and if necessary, it will automatically reconnect // as needed. // Assume we've previously obtained an access token and saved it to a JSON file.. Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJson If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJson))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoJson End Get ComLoadFile Of hoJson "qa_data/tokens/twitter.json" To iSuccess Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatRest)) To hoRest If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoRest))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoRest End Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatOAuth1)) To hoOauth1 If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoOauth1))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoOauth1 End Set ComConsumerKey Of hoOauth1 To "TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY" Set ComConsumerSecret Of hoOauth1 To "TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET" Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "oauth_token" To sTemp1 Set ComToken Of hoOauth1 To sTemp1 Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "oauth_token_secret" To sTemp1 Set ComTokenSecret Of hoOauth1 To sTemp1 Set ComSignatureMethod Of hoOauth1 To "HMAC-SHA1" Get ComGenNonce Of hoOauth1 16 To iSuccess Get pvComObject of hoOauth1 to vOauth1 Get ComSetAuthOAuth1 Of hoRest vOauth1 False To iSuccess Move True To iBAutoReconnect Get ComConnect Of hoRest "api.twitter.com" 443 True iBAutoReconnect To iSuccess If (iSuccess <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoRest To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // This ends the initial setup... // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Move "This is a test tweet with an image." To sTweetContent // Send a tweet... Get ComClearAllQueryParams Of hoRest To iSuccess Get ComAddQueryParam Of hoRest "status" sTweetContent To iSuccess // Add list of media_ids to associate with the Tweet. // You may include up to 4 photos or 1 animated GIF or 1 video in a Tweet. // The image needs to have been previously uploaded. The upload response gave us // the media ID we'll use to associate this tweet with the image (or video) // See Twitter Upload Media for sample code. // This example will add just a single image/photo. Get ComAddQueryParam Of hoRest "media_ids" "793137045996646400" To iSuccess Get ComFullRequestFormUrlEncoded Of hoRest "POST" "/1.1/statuses/update.json" To sResp Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoRest To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoRest To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJsonResponse If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJsonResponse))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoJsonResponse End Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJsonResponse To False Get ComLoad Of hoJsonResponse sResp To iSuccess Get ComResponseStatusCode Of hoRest To iTemp1 If (iTemp1 <> 200) Begin Get ComEmit Of hoJsonResponse To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // Show the successful response: Get ComEmit Of hoJsonResponse To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Showln "Success." // A successful JSON response looks like this: // { // "created_at": "Mon Oct 31 20:25:17 +0000 2016", // "id": 793187104528347136, // "id_str": "793187104528347136", // "text": "This is a test tweet with an image. https:\/\/t.co\/4mcCL0k36x", // "truncated": false, // "entities": { // "hashtags": [ // ], // "symbols": [ // ], // "user_mentions": [ // ], // "urls": [ // ], // "media": [ // { // "id": 793137045996646400, // "id_str": "793137045996646400", // "indices": [ // 36, // 59 // ], // "media_url": "http:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/CwHJ8OzVMAAojGR.jpg", // "media_url_https": "https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/CwHJ8OzVMAAojGR.jpg", // "url": "https:\/\/t.co\/4mcCL0k36x", // "display_url": "pic.twitter.com\/4mcCL0k36x", // "expanded_url": "https:\/\/twitter.com\/chilkatsoft\/status\/793187104528347136\/photo\/1", // "type": "photo", // "sizes": { // "large": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "fit" // }, // "medium": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "fit" // }, // "thumb": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "crop" // }, // "small": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "fit" // } // } // } // ] // }, // "extended_entities": { // "media": [ // { // "id": 793137045996646400, // "id_str": "793137045996646400", // "indices": [ // 36, // 59 // ], // "media_url": "http:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/CwHJ8OzVMAAojGR.jpg", // "media_url_https": "https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/CwHJ8OzVMAAojGR.jpg", // "url": "https:\/\/t.co\/4mcCL0k36x", // "display_url": "pic.twitter.com\/4mcCL0k36x", // "expanded_url": "https:\/\/twitter.com\/chilkatsoft\/status\/793187104528347136\/photo\/1", // "type": "photo", // "sizes": { // "large": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "fit" // }, // "medium": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "fit" // }, // "thumb": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "crop" // }, // "small": { // "w": 120, // "h": 120, // "resize": "fit" // } // } // } // ] // }, // "source": "\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/www.chilkatsoft.com\/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eChilkatTestApp\u003c\/a\u003e", // "in_reply_to_status_id": null, // "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, // "in_reply_to_user_id": null, // "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null, // "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, // "user": { // "id": 85647455, // "id_str": "85647455", // "name": "Chilkat Software", // "screen_name": "chilkatsoft", // "location": "", // "description": "", // "url": "https:\/\/t.co\/hSTR4sOuis", // "entities": { // "url": { // "urls": [ // { // "url": "https:\/\/t.co\/hSTR4sOuis", // "expanded_url": "http:\/\/www.chilkatsoft.com", // "display_url": "chilkatsoft.com", // "indices": [ // 0, // 23 // ] // } // ] // }, // "description": { // "urls": [ // ] // } // }, // "protected": false, // "followers_count": 41, // "friends_count": 0, // "listed_count": 4, // "created_at": "Tue Oct 27 19:56:13 +0000 2009", // "favourites_count": 0, // "utc_offset": null, // "time_zone": null, // "geo_enabled": false, // "verified": false, // "statuses_count": 16, // "lang": "en", // "contributors_enabled": false, // "is_translator": false, // "is_translation_enabled": false, // "profile_background_color": "C0DEED", // "profile_background_image_url": "http:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.png", // "profile_background_image_url_https": "https:\/\/abs.twimg.com\/images\/themes\/theme1\/bg.png", // "profile_background_tile": false, // "profile_image_url": "http:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/785893001012744195\/clLweDSg_normal.jpg", // "profile_image_url_https": "https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/profile_images\/785893001012744195\/clLweDSg_normal.jpg", // "profile_link_color": "0084B4", // "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED", // "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6", // "profile_text_color": "333333", // "profile_use_background_image": true, // "has_extended_profile": false, // "default_profile": true, // "default_profile_image": false, // "following": false, // "follow_request_sent": false, // "notifications": false, // "translator_type": "none" // }, // "geo": null, // "coordinates": null, // "place": null, // "contributors": null, // "is_quote_status": false, // "retweet_count": 0, // "favorite_count": 0, // "favorited": false, // "retweeted": false, // "possibly_sensitive": false, // "lang": "en" // } // End_Procedure |
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