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(DataFlex) OneDrive -- List Root DirectorySee more OneDrive ExamplesThis gets the collection of DriveItem children of the root DriveItem. In OneDrive, a driveItem resource represents a file, folder, or other item stored in a drive. All file system objects in OneDriveare returned as driveItem resources (which are JSON objects).This example returns the collection of child DriveItems for the root DriveItem. Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.97 or greater. For more information, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_list_children?view=odsp-graph-online
Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg Procedure Test Handle hoJson Boolean iSuccess Handle hoHttp String sResp Handle hoLastMod Handle hoPhotoTaken Integer i Integer iNumItems String sTemp1 Integer iTemp1 Boolean bTemp1 // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. // This example uses the OAuth client credentials flow. // See How to Create an Azure App Registration for OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials // Use your client ID, client secret, and tenant ID in the following lines Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJson If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJson))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoJson End Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "client_id" "2871da2c-8176-4b7f-869b-2311aa82e743" To iSuccess Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "client_secret" "2hu9Q~r5QuryUcEkNbg1btLtnfU1VUXzhSCG6brH" To iSuccess Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "scope" "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default" To iSuccess Get ComUpdateString Of hoJson "token_endpoint" "https://login.microsoftonline.com/114d7ed6-71bf-4dbe-a866-748364121bf2/oauth2/v2.0/token" To iSuccess Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoHttp End Get ComEmit Of hoJson To sTemp1 Set ComAuthToken Of hoHttp To sTemp1 // Sends the following GET request: // GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{user-id}/drive/items/{item-id}/children // Use your specific Id instead of what we're using here: Get ComSetUrlVar Of hoHttp "userId" "4fe732c3-322e-4a6b-b729-2fd1eb5c6104" To iSuccess Get ComSetUrlVar Of hoHttp "itemId" "root" To iSuccess Get ComQuickGetStr Of hoHttp "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{$userId}/drive/items/{$itemId}/children" To sResp Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // The response should be JSON. Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJson To False Get ComLoad Of hoJson sResp To iSuccess // A successful response should return a status code of 200. Get ComLastStatus Of hoHttp To iTemp1 If (iTemp1 <> 200) Begin Get ComEmit Of hoJson To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Get ComLastStatus Of hoHttp To iTemp1 Showln "Response status = " iTemp1 Procedure_Return End Get ComEmit Of hoJson To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 // See the sample JSON response and output below.. Get Create (RefClass(cComCkDateTime)) To hoLastMod If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoLastMod))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoLastMod End Get Create (RefClass(cComCkDateTime)) To hoPhotoTaken If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoPhotoTaken))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoPhotoTaken End // Iterate over the DriveItems in the JSON response: // (I tested this example with a root that contains a several folders, // a JPG image file, an XML file, and a WAV audio file.) Move 0 To i Get ComSizeOfArray Of hoJson "value" To iNumItems While (i < iNumItems) Set ComI Of hoJson To i Showln "-- DriveItem " (i + 1) Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "value[i].id" To sTemp1 Showln "id: " sTemp1 Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "value[i].name" To sTemp1 Showln "name: " sTemp1 Get ComIntOf Of hoJson "value[i].size" To iTemp1 Showln "size: " iTemp1 // Get the lastModifiedDateTime Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "value[i].fileSystemInfo.lastModifiedDateTime" To sTemp1 Get ComSetFromTimestamp Of hoLastMod sTemp1 To iSuccess // Is this a folder? Get ComHasMember Of hoJson "value[i].folder" To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 = True) Begin Get ComIntOf Of hoJson "value[i].folder.childCount" To iTemp1 Showln "This is a folder with " iTemp1 " children" End Get ComHasMember Of hoJson "value[i].file" To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 = True) Begin Showln "This is a file." Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "value[i].file.hashes.sha1Hash" To sTemp1 Showln "SHA1 hash: " sTemp1 Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "value[i].mimeType" To sTemp1 Showln "mimeType: " sTemp1 End Get ComHasMember Of hoJson "value[i].image" To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 = True) Begin Showln "This is an image." Get ComIntOf Of hoJson "value[i].image.height" To iTemp1 Showln "height: " iTemp1 Get ComIntOf Of hoJson "value[i].image.width" To iTemp1 Showln "width: " iTemp1 End Get ComHasMember Of hoJson "value[i].photo" To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 = True) Begin Showln "This is a photo." Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "value[i].photo.takenDateTime" To sTemp1 Get ComSetFromTimestamp Of hoPhotoTaken sTemp1 To iSuccess Get ComGetAsRfc822 Of hoPhotoTaken True To sTemp1 Showln "photo taken on " sTemp1 End Get ComHasMember Of hoJson "value[i].audio" To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 = True) Begin Showln "This is an audio file." Get ComIntOf Of hoJson "value[i].audio.duration" To iTemp1 Showln "duration: " iTemp1 End Move (i + 1) To i Loop // The output for the above loop: // -- DriveItem 1 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!187 // name: Documents // size: 4452847 // This is a folder with 8 children // -- DriveItem 2 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4114 // name: Downloads // size: 18240001 // This is a folder with 6 children // -- DriveItem 3 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4407 // name: lots-of-files // size: 7542 // This is a folder with 450 children // -- DriveItem 4 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4858 // name: Misc // size: 819922938 // This is a folder with 6 children // -- DriveItem 5 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!185 // name: Pictures // size: 0 // This is a folder with 3 children // -- DriveItem 6 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!186 // name: Public // size: 0 // This is a folder with 0 children // -- DriveItem 7 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4860 // name: hamlet.xml // size: 279658 // This is a file. // SHA1 hash: C6AD0095E07141C97A3C6B85778602AD883F5500 // mimeType: // -- DriveItem 8 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4861 // name: msg_123_abc.wav // size: 155564 // This is a file. // SHA1 hash: 1F51ADBDAADEAABC2D588C2A795AE86758525984 // mimeType: // This is an audio file. // duration: 9720 // -- DriveItem 9 // id: 3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4859 // name: penguins.jpg // size: 777835 // This is a file. // SHA1 hash: DF7BE9DC4F467187783ACA68C7CE98E4DF2172D0 // mimeType: // This is an image. // height: 768 // width: 1024 // This is a photo. // photo taken on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:07:31 -0600 // // ------------------------------------------------------- // This is the JSON response when this example was tested: // { // "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('me')/drive/root/children", // "value": [ // { // "createdBy": { // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // } // }, // "createdDateTime": "2013-06-12T19:49:08.367Z", // "cTag": "adDozQTMzRkNFQjlCNzRDQzE1ITE4Ny42MzYyODA2Nzc4MjI3MzAwMDA", // "eTag": "aM0EzM0ZDRUI5Qjc0Q0MxNSExODcuMA", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!187", // "lastModifiedBy": { // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // } // }, // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-04-17T23:16:22.273Z", // "name": "Documents", // "parentReference": { // "driveId": "3a33fceb9b74cc15", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!184", // "path": "/drive/root:" // }, // "size": 4452847, // "webUrl": "https://1drv.ms/f/s!ABXMdJvr_DM6gTs", // "fileSystemInfo": { // "createdDateTime": "2013-06-12T19:49:08.366Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2013-06-12T19:49:08.367Z" // }, // "folder": { // "childCount": 8 // }, // "specialFolder": { // "name": "documents" // } // }, // { // "createdBy": { // "device": { // "id": "187ffebfaf8fa5" // }, // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // }, // "oneDriveSync": { // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", // "id": "388149ab-8073-45aa-a68c-aac791ec9c1d" // } // }, // "createdDateTime": "2016-12-07T14:02:22.417Z", // "cTag": "adDozQTMzRkNFQjlCNzRDQzE1ITQxMTQuNjM2MjQzMzEyODEwMjAwMDAw", // "eTag": "aM0EzM0ZDRUI5Qjc0Q0MxNSE0MTE0LjE", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4114", // "lastModifiedBy": { // "device": { // "id": "187ffebfaf8fa5" // }, // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // }, // "oneDriveSync": { // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", // "id": "388149ab-8073-45aa-a68c-aac791ec9c1d" // } // }, // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-03-05T17:21:21.02Z", // "name": "Downloads", // "parentReference": { // "driveId": "3a33fceb9b74cc15", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!184", // "path": "/drive/root:" // }, // "size": 18240001, // "webUrl": "https://1drv.ms/f/s!ABXMdJvr_DM6oBI", // "fileSystemInfo": { // "createdDateTime": "2016-12-07T14:02:09Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2016-12-07T14:02:09Z" // }, // "folder": { // "childCount": 6 // } // }, // { // "createdBy": { // "device": { // "id": "187ffebfaf8fa5" // }, // "user": { // 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"2017-06-02T02:13:11Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-06-02T02:14:54Z" // }, // "folder": { // "childCount": 450 // } // }, // { // "createdBy": { // "device": { // "id": "187ffebfaf8fa5" // }, // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // }, // "oneDriveSync": { // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", // "id": "388149ab-8073-45aa-a68c-aac791ec9c1d" // } // }, // "createdDateTime": "2017-06-02T19:06:10.293Z", // "cTag": "adDozQTMzRkNFQjlCNzRDQzE1ITQ4NTguNjM2MzIwMjcxOTAxNDcwMDAw", // "eTag": "aM0EzM0ZDRUI5Qjc0Q0MxNSE0ODU4LjA", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!4858", // "lastModifiedBy": { // "device": { // "id": "187ffebfaf8fa5" // }, // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // }, // "oneDriveSync": { // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", // "id": "388149ab-8073-45aa-a68c-aac791ec9c1d" // } // }, // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-06-02T19:06:30.147Z", // "name": "Misc", // "parentReference": { // "driveId": "3a33fceb9b74cc15", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!184", // "path": "/drive/root:" // }, // "size": 819922938, // "webUrl": "https://1drv.ms/f/s!ABXMdJvr_DM6pXo", // "fileSystemInfo": { // "createdDateTime": "2017-06-02T19:06:02Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-06-02T19:06:02Z" // }, // "folder": { // "childCount": 6 // } // }, // { // "createdBy": { // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // } // }, // "createdDateTime": "2013-06-12T19:49:08.123Z", // "cTag": "adDozQTMzRkNFQjlCNzRDQzE1ITE4NS42MzYxNDU5MzkxMDcyMDAwMDA", // "eTag": "aM0EzM0ZDRUI5Qjc0Q0MxNSExODUuMA", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!185", // "lastModifiedBy": { // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // } // }, // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2016-11-13T00:31:50.72Z", // "name": "Pictures", // "parentReference": { // "driveId": "3a33fceb9b74cc15", // "id": "3A33FCEB9B74CC15!184", // "path": "/drive/root:" // }, // "size": 0, // "webUrl": 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"2013-06-12T19:49:08.183Z", // "lastModifiedDateTime": "2013-06-12T19:49:08.183Z" // }, // "folder": { // "childCount": 0 // }, // "shared": { // "owner": { // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // } // }, // "scope": "anonymous" // }, // "specialFolder": { // "name": "public" // } // }, // { // "@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl": "https://public.dm2301.livefilestore.com/y4m8Y4r_Ewfy3hIxqpU-_dxvY455X2gAZd3LJXE908zgA1ErQUm5wZpiyz6Rs0YfFb_c5SKgOFZV6HU1YpEmd0MvWbQ-dJVy2lLfRqTUnHEY8znUIQrljmTk1GR2auv4rTitRzWEZztQV0iId2-_FdQj2aZK5sdpmkdbgNuishP0NalJBsLdiBeKBVsy7A_zFTUXbw28ZzJctfyqITNUtBPxmDRzF39UWRjTo74CksCHc4", // "createdBy": { // "device": { // "id": "187ffebfaf8fa5" // }, // "user": { // "displayName": "Matt Smith", // "id": "3a33fceb9b74cc15" // }, // "oneDriveSync": { // "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", // "id": "388149ab-8073-45aa-a68c-aac791ec9c1d" // } // }, // "createdDateTime": "2017-06-02T19:08:34.14Z", // "cTag": 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