(DataFlex) JSON Add Large Integer or Double
Demonstrates how to add a large number (larger than what can be held in an integer), or a double/float value to a JSON document.
Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg
Procedure Test
Handle hoJson
Integer iIndex
Boolean iSuccess
String sTemp1
Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJson
If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJson))) Begin
Send CreateComObject of hoJson
// To add a large integer, use AddNumberAt.
// (an index of -1 indicates append).
Move -1 To iIndex
Get ComAddNumberAt Of hoJson iIndex "bignum" "8239845689346587465826345892644873453634563456" To iSuccess
// Do the same for a double..
Get ComAddNumberAt Of hoJson iIndex "double" "-153634.295" To iSuccess
Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJson To False
Get ComEmit Of hoJson To sTemp1
Showln sTemp1
// Output:
// {
// "bignum": 8239845689346587465826345892644873453634563456,
// "double": -153634.295
// }