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(DataFlex) Get E-way Bill System Access TokenSends a request to get an E-way bill system access token.
Use ChilkatAx-win32.pkg Procedure Test Variant vPubkey Handle hoPubkey Boolean iSuccess String sPassword Handle hoRsa String sEncPassword Handle hoPrng String sApp_key String sEncAppKey Body Handle hoJsonBody Handle hoHttp Variant vResp Handle hoResp Integer iRespStatusCode Handle hoJson Integer iStatus Variant vSbError Handle hoSbError String sAuthToken Handle hoCrypt Variant vBdSek Handle hoBdSek EwayAuth Handle hoJsonEwayAuth Handle hoFac String sTemp1 Boolean bTemp1 // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. // First load the public key provided by the E-way bill System Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatPublicKey)) To hoPubkey If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoPubkey))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoPubkey End Get ComLoadFromFile Of hoPubkey "qa_data/pem/eway_publickey.pem" To iSuccess If (iSuccess <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoPubkey To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // Encrypt the password using the RSA public key provided by eway.. Move "my_wepgst_password" To sPassword Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatRsa)) To hoRsa If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoRsa))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoRsa End Set ComCharset Of hoRsa To "utf-8" Set ComEncodingMode Of hoRsa To "base64" Get pvComObject of hoPubkey to vPubkey Get ComImportPublicKeyObj Of hoRsa vPubkey To iSuccess If (iSuccess <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoRsa To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // Returns the encrypted password as base64 (because the EncodingMode = "base64") Get ComEncryptStringENC Of hoRsa sPassword False To sEncPassword Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoRsa To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoRsa To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // Generate a random app_key. This should be 32 bytes (us-ascii chars) // We need 32 bytes because we'll be doing 256-bit AES ECB encryption, and 32 bytes = 256 bits. Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatPrng)) To hoPrng If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoPrng))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoPrng End // Generate a random string containing some numbers, uppercase, and lowercase. Get ComRandomString Of hoPrng 32 True True True To sApp_key Showln "app_key = " sApp_key // RSA encrypt the app_key. Get ComEncryptStringENC Of hoRsa sApp_key False To sEncAppKey Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoRsa To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoRsa To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // Prepare the JSON body for the HTTP POST that gets the access token. Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJsonBody If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJsonBody))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoJsonBody End Get ComUpdateString Of hoJsonBody "action" "ACCESSTOKEN" To iSuccess // Use your username instead of "09ABDC24212B1FK". Get ComUpdateString Of hoJsonBody "username" "09ABDC24212B1FK" To iSuccess Get ComUpdateString Of hoJsonBody "password" sEncPassword To iSuccess Get ComUpdateString Of hoJsonBody "app_key" sEncAppKey To iSuccess Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttp)) To hoHttp If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoHttp))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoHttp End // Add required headers. // Use your ewb-user-id instead of "03AEXPR16A9M010" Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "ewb-user-id" "03AEXPR16A9M010" // The Gstin should be the same as the username in the jsonBody above. Send ComSetRequestHeader To hoHttp "Gstin" "09ABDC24212B1FK" Set ComAccept Of hoHttp To "application/json" // POST the JSON... Get ComEmit Of hoJsonBody To sTemp1 Get ComPostJson2 Of hoHttp "http://ewb.wepgst.com/api/Authenticate" "application/json" sTemp1 To vResp If (IsComObject(vResp)) Begin Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatHttpResponse)) To hoResp Set pvComObject Of hoResp To vResp End Get ComLastMethodSuccess Of hoHttp To bTemp1 If (bTemp1 <> True) Begin Get ComLastErrorText Of hoHttp To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 Procedure_Return End Get ComStatusCode Of hoResp To iRespStatusCode Showln "response status code =" iRespStatusCode Showln "response body:" Get ComBodyStr Of hoResp To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 If (iRespStatusCode <> 200) Begin Send Destroy of hoResp Showln "Failed in some unknown way." Procedure_Return End // When the response status code = 200, we'll have either // success response like this: // {"status":"1","authtoken":"...","sek":"..."} // // or a failed response like this: // // {"status":"0","error":"eyJlcnJvckNvZGVzIjoiMTA4In0="} // Load the response body into a JSON object. Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJson If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJson))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoJson End Get ComBodyStr Of hoResp To sTemp1 Get ComLoad Of hoJson sTemp1 To iSuccess Send Destroy of hoResp Get ComIntOf Of hoJson "status" To iStatus Showln "status = " iStatus If (iStatus <> 1) Begin // Failed. Base64 decode the error // {"status":"0","error":"eyJlcnJvckNvZGVzIjoiMTA4In0="} // For an invalid password, the error is: {"errorCodes":"108"} Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatStringBuilder)) To hoSbError If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoSbError))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoSbError End Get pvComObject of hoSbError to vSbError Get ComStringOfSb Of hoJson "error" vSbError To iSuccess Get ComDecode Of hoSbError "base64" "utf-8" To iSuccess Get ComGetAsString Of hoSbError To sTemp1 Showln "error: " sTemp1 Procedure_Return End // At this point, we know the request was entirely successful. Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "authtoken" To sAuthToken // Decrypt the sek key using our app_key. Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatCrypt2)) To hoCrypt If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoCrypt))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoCrypt End Set ComCryptAlgorithm Of hoCrypt To "aes" Set ComCipherMode Of hoCrypt To "ecb" Set ComKeyLength Of hoCrypt To 256 Send ComSetEncodedKey To hoCrypt sApp_key "us-ascii" Set ComEncodingMode Of hoCrypt To "base64" Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatBinData)) To hoBdSek If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoBdSek))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoBdSek End Get ComStringOf Of hoJson "sek" To sTemp1 Get ComAppendEncoded Of hoBdSek sTemp1 "base64" To iSuccess Get pvComObject of hoBdSek to vBdSek Get ComDecryptBd Of hoCrypt vBdSek To iSuccess // bdSek now contains the decrypted symmetric encryption key... // We'll use it to encrypt the JSON payloads we send. // Let's persist our authtoken and decrypted sek (symmetric encryption key). // To send EWAY requests (such as to create an e-way bill), we'll just load // and use these pre-obtained credentials. Get Create (RefClass(cComChilkatJsonObject)) To hoJsonEwayAuth If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoJsonEwayAuth))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoJsonEwayAuth End Get ComUpdateString Of hoJsonEwayAuth "authToken" sAuthToken To iSuccess Get ComGetEncoded Of hoBdSek "base64" To sTemp1 Get ComUpdateString Of hoJsonEwayAuth "decryptedSek" sTemp1 To iSuccess Set ComEmitCompact Of hoJsonEwayAuth To False Get Create (RefClass(cComCkFileAccess)) To hoFac If (Not(IsComObjectCreated(hoFac))) Begin Send CreateComObject of hoFac End Get ComEmit Of hoJsonEwayAuth To sTemp1 Get ComWriteEntireTextFile Of hoFac "qa_data/tokens/ewayAuth.json" sTemp1 "utf-8" False To iSuccess Showln "Saved:" Get ComEmit Of hoJsonEwayAuth To sTemp1 Showln sTemp1 // Sample output: // { // "authToken": "IBTeFtxNfVurg71LTzZ2r0xK7", // "decryptedSek": "5g1TyTie7yoslU3DrbYATa7mWyPazlODE7cEh5Vy4Ho=" // End_Procedure |
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