(Classic ASP) StringTable SplitAndAppend Example
Demonstrates the StringTable SplitAndAppend method.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.StringTable")
set strTab = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat.StringTable")
' SplitAndAppend make it easy to break apart comma delimited, semicolon delimited,
' or strings delimited by other characters.
s = "abc,123,xyz,456,music,math,""World History"",""Chicago,Cubs"",Japan"
success = strTab.SplitAndAppend(s,",",1,1)
i = 0
numStrings = strTab.Count
Do While i < numStrings
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( i & ": " & strTab.StringAt(i)) & "</pre>"
i = i + 1
' The output is:
' 0: abc
' 1: 123
' 2: xyz
' 3: 456
' 4: music
' 5: math
' 6: "World History"
' 7: "Chicago,Cubs"
' 8: Japan
' Note: Keeping the quotes is intentional.