(Classic ASP) ScMinidriver - Import Private Key to Smart Card
Demonstrates how to import a private key to the "signature" or "key exchange" location in the Nth key container on a smart card.
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' This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked.
' See Global Unlock Sample for sample code.
' Chilkat recommends the following free tool for interactively examining the contents of your smart card
' through the ScMinidriver interface: MGTEK Tool for Minidriver enabled Smart Cards
' Let's first look at our smart card before importing a private key.
' Here's the view of our Gemalto (Thales) IDPrime MD T=0 smart card in the MGTEK tool:
' First let's load a private key into the Chilkat private key object.
' (Chilkat provides the ability to load private keys from many different sources and formats.
' this example loads from a PEM file.)
' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.PrivateKey")
set privKey = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat.PrivateKey")
success = privKey.LoadPemFile("qa_data/rsa/rsaPrivKey_pkcs8.pem")
If (success = 0) Then
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( privKey.LastErrorText) & "</pre>"
End If
' For versions of Chilkat < 10.0.0, use CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.ScMinidriver")
set scmd = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat.ScMinidriver")
' First we need to acquire a context to the smart card in the reader where it is inserted.
' Reader names (smart card readers or USB tokens) can be discovered
' via List Readers or Find Smart Cards
readerName = "Alcor Micro USB Smart Card Reader 0"
success = scmd.AcquireContext(readerName)
If (success = 0) Then
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( scmd.LastErrorText) & "</pre>"
End If
' If successful, the name of the currently inserted smart card is available:
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( "Card name: " & scmd.CardName) & "</pre>"
' To import a private key, we'll need to be PIN authenticated.
' For more details about smart card PIN authentication, see the Smart Card PIN Authentication Example
pinId = "user"
retval = scmd.PinAuthenticate(pinId,"0000")
If (retval <> 0) Then
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( "PIN Authentication failed.") & "</pre>"
success = scmd.DeleteContext()
End If
' Let's import into the "key exchange" position in key container #7.
success = scmd.ImportKey(7,"kex",privKey,"user")
If (success = 0) Then
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( "PIN Authentication failed.") & "</pre>"
success = scmd.DeleteContext()
End If
success = scmd.DeleteContext()
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode( "Success.") & "</pre>"
' Here's the MGTEK view of the smart card after importing the private key: