ASP String Examples
- Parse and Convert RFC 822 Date/Time String Format
- Parse and Convert RFC 3339 Date/Time String Format
- Demystifying ASP Code Pages, Response.Write, Response.BinaryWrite, Strings, and Charsets
- Encoding/Decoding - Hex, Base64, URL, Quoted-Printable w/ any Charset
- Language Detection : Determine which Languages are Present in a String
- Str Property - Setting and Getting
- ReplaceFirst - Replace First Occurance of Substring
- LoadFile - Load Text File in any Character Encoding into a String
- ReplaceAll - Replace All Occurances of a Substring
- Prepend String
- HTML Entity Decode
- HTML Entity Encode
- BeginsWith - Test to see if String Begins with a Substring
- EndsWith - Test to see if String Ends with a Substring
- TrimInside: Trim Inside Spaces
- Trim: Trim SPACEs and TABs from both ends of a string
- Trim2: Trim SPACEs TABs, and CR/LFs from both ends of a string
- Matches: String Pattern Matching
- ChopAfter: Chop a string after the 1st occurance of substring
- ChopBefore: Discard the characters before the 1st occurance of a substring
- Shorten a string by N characters
- Pluralize an English Word
- Unpluralize an English Word
- Strip HTML tags from a string.
- SaveToFile - Write String to File in any Charset
- AppendToFile - Append String to File in any Charset
- Length Property - Number of Characters in a String
- ReplaceAnsiChar - Replace All Occurances of an ANSI Char
- Clear - Reset to an Empty String
- Contains - Test if String Contains Substring
- Left, Right, Mid, StrComp
- The Chilkat StringArray object