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(Android™) Outlook -- Create Map of Folder Paths to IDsRecursively descends folders and creates a hashtable of folder paths to IDs. This can be done once at the start of your program (or even less if the map is persisted to a file or database). The reason this is necessary is because folder ID's need to be passed to the Outlook API, and an application will typically be working with folder paths. Note: This example requires Chilkat v9.5.0.67 or greater. This example applies to: Exchange Online | Office 365 | Hotmail.com | Live.com | MSN.com | Outlook.com | Passport.com
// Important: Don't forget to include the call to System.loadLibrary // as shown at the bottom of this code sample. package com.test; import android.app.Activity; import com.chilkatsoft.*; import android.widget.TextView; import android.os.Bundle; public class SimpleActivity extends Activity { private static final String TAG = "Chilkat"; // Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. CkHttp http = new CkHttp(); // Our folder path --> ID map will be stored in this hash table. CkHashtable folderMap = new CkHashtable(); // Use your previously obtained access token here: // See the following examples for getting an access token: // Get Microsoft Graph OAuth2 Access Token (Azure AD v2.0 Endpoint). // Get Microsoft Graph OAuth2 Access Token (Azure AD Endpoint). // Refresh Access Token (Azure AD v2.0 Endpoint). // Refresh Access Token (Azure AD Endpoint). http.put_AuthToken("MICROSOFT_GRAPH_ACCESS_TOKEN"); CkStringBuilder sbResponse = new CkStringBuilder(); // Begin by getting the top-level folders. http.ClearUrlVars(); http.SetUrlVar("userPrincipalName","chilkatsoft@outlook.com"); boolean success = http.QuickGetSb("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{$userPrincipalName}/mailFolders",sbResponse); if ((success != true) and (http.get_LastStatus() == 0)) { Log.i(TAG, http.lastErrorText()); return; } CkJsonObject json = new CkJsonObject(); json.LoadSb(sbResponse); json.put_EmitCompact(false); Log.i(TAG, "Status code = " + String.valueOf(http.get_LastStatus())); if (http.get_LastStatus() != 200) { Log.i(TAG, json.emit()); Log.i(TAG, "Failed."); } // This is our queue/stack of unprocessed folder ID's // The recursive nature of this example is that we get the // child folders for each folder ID in the idQueue, which may // cause additional ID's to be added. We continue until the idQueue // is empty. CkStringArray idQueue = new CkStringArray(); CkStringBuilder sbFolderPath = new CkStringBuilder(); CkStringBuilder sbQueueEntry = new CkStringBuilder(); String folderName; String folderPath; String folderId; // Prime the map and idQueue with the top-level folders. int i = 0; int numFolders = json.SizeOfArray("value"); while (i < numFolders) { json.put_I(i); folderName = json.stringOf("value[i].displayName"); folderId = json.stringOf("value[i].id"); sbFolderPath.SetString("/"); sbFolderPath.Append(folderName); folderPath = sbFolderPath.getAsString(); folderMap.AddStr(folderPath,folderId); Log.i(TAG, folderPath + " --> " + folderId); // Push the folder path + id onto the idQueue. sbQueueEntry.Clear(); sbQueueEntry.SetNth(0,folderPath,"|",false,false); sbQueueEntry.SetNth(1,folderId,"|",false,false); idQueue.Append(sbQueueEntry.getAsString()); i = i + 1; } // Initial output: // /Archive --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAG8XunwAAAA= // /Deleted Items --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEKAAAA // /Drafts --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEPAAAA // /Inbox --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA // /Junk Email --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEiAAAA // /Outbox --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgELAAAA // /Sent Items --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEJAAAA // // Process the idQueue until it becomes empty. This is the recursive loop. String parentFolderPath; String parentFolderId; while (idQueue.get_Length() > 0) { sbQueueEntry.SetString(idQueue.getString(0)); idQueue.RemoveAt(0); parentFolderPath = sbQueueEntry.getNth(0,"|",false,false); parentFolderId = sbQueueEntry.getNth(1,"|",false,false); http.SetUrlVar("id",parentFolderId); success = http.QuickGetSb("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{$userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/{$id}/childFolders",sbResponse); if ((success != true) and (http.get_LastStatus() == 0)) { Log.i(TAG, http.lastErrorText()); return; } json.LoadSb(sbResponse); if (http.get_LastStatus() != 200) { Log.i(TAG, "Status code = " + String.valueOf(http.get_LastStatus())); Log.i(TAG, json.emit()); Log.i(TAG, "Failed."); } i = 0; numFolders = json.SizeOfArray("value"); while (i < numFolders) { json.put_I(i); folderName = json.stringOf("value[i].displayName"); folderId = json.stringOf("value[i].id"); sbFolderPath.SetString(parentFolderPath); sbFolderPath.Append("/"); sbFolderPath.Append(folderName); folderPath = sbFolderPath.getAsString(); folderMap.AddStr(folderPath,folderId); Log.i(TAG, folderPath + " --> " + folderId); // Push the folder path + id onto the idQueue. sbQueueEntry.Clear(); sbQueueEntry.SetNth(0,folderPath,"|",false,false); sbQueueEntry.SetNth(1,folderId,"|",false,false); idQueue.Append(sbQueueEntry.getAsString()); i = i + 1; } } // The hash table of mail folder paths --> ID's can be persisted to XML and saved to a file or database (or anywhere..) CkStringBuilder sbFolderMapXml = new CkStringBuilder(); folderMap.ToXmlSb(sbFolderMapXml); sbFolderMapXml.WriteFile("qa_data/outlook/folderMap.xml","utf-8",false); // The hash table can be restored from the serialized XML like this: CkHashtable ht2 = new CkHashtable(); CkStringBuilder sb2 = new CkStringBuilder(); sb2.LoadFile("qa_data/outlook/folderMap.xml","utf-8"); ht2.AddFromXmlSb(sb2); // What's the ID for the folder "/Inbox/abc/subFolderA" ? Log.i(TAG, "id for /Inbox/abc/subFolderA = " + ht2.lookupStr("/Inbox/abc/subFolderA")); // Final output: // /Archive --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAG8XunwAAAA= // /Deleted Items --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEKAAAA // /Drafts --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEPAAAA // /Inbox --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEMAAAA // /Junk Email --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEiAAAA // /Outbox --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgELAAAA // /Sent Items --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAgEJAAAA // /Inbox/abc --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huv8AAAA= // /Inbox/xyz --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwEAAAA= // /Inbox/abc/subFolderA --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwAAAQ== // /Inbox/abc/subFolderB --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwMAAAA= // /Inbox/abc/subFolderA/a --> AQMkADAwATM0MDAAMS1iNTcwLWI2NTEtMDACLTAwCgAuAAADsVyfxjDU406Ic4X7ill8xAEA5_vF7TKKdE6bGCRqXyl2PQAAAL8huwIAAAA= // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This example applies to: Exchange Online | Office 365 | Hotmail.com | Live.com | MSN.com | Outlook.com | Passport.com // // The Microsoft Graph Outlook Mail API lets you read, create, and send messages and attachments, // view and respond to event messages, and manage folders that are secured by Azure Active Directory // in Office 365. It also provides the same functionality in Microsoft accounts specifically // in these domains: Hotmail.com, Live.com, MSN.com, Outlook.com, and Passport.com. } static { System.loadLibrary("chilkat"); // Note: If the incorrect library name is passed to System.loadLibrary, // then you will see the following error message at application startup: //"The application <your-application-name> has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." } } |
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