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(Delphi DLL) Get the Photos for a UserDemonstrates how to get the photos that the user has uploaded.
uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, OAuth2, Rest, DtObj, JsonObject, CkDateTime; ... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var oauth2: HCkOAuth2; rest: HCkRest; success: Boolean; responseJson: PWideChar; json: HCkJsonObject; dtime: HCkDateTime; bLocalTime: Boolean; dt: HCkDtObj; i: Integer; numItems: Integer; name: PWideChar; begin // This example requires the Chilkat API to have been previously unlocked. // See Global Unlock Sample for sample code. // This example assumes a previously obtained an access token oauth2 := CkOAuth2_Create(); CkOAuth2_putAccessToken(oauth2,'FACEBOOK-ACCESS-TOKEN'); rest := CkRest_Create(); // Connect to Facebook. success := CkRest_Connect(rest,'graph.facebook.com',443,True,True); if (success <> True) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(CkRest__lastErrorText(rest)); Exit; end; // Provide the authentication credentials (i.e. the access key) CkRest_SetAuthOAuth2(rest,oauth2); // Indicate that we only want the photos the user has personally uploaded. CkRest_AddQueryParam(rest,'type','uploaded'); // We could limit the number of photos by setting a limit. CkRest_AddQueryParam(rest,'limit','5'); // Gets the 1st page of photos. (Not the actual image data, but the information about each photo.) // See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/photos/ for more information. responseJson := CkRest__fullRequestNoBody(rest,'GET','/v2.7/me/photos'); if (CkRest_getLastMethodSuccess(rest) <> True) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(CkRest__lastErrorText(rest)); Exit; end; json := CkJsonObject_Create(); CkJsonObject_putEmitCompact(json,False); CkJsonObject_Load(json,responseJson); Memo1.Lines.Add(CkJsonObject__emit(json)); // A sample JSON response is shown below. // This is the code to parse the JSON response. dtime := CkDateTime_Create(); bLocalTime := True; i := 0; numItems := CkJsonObject_SizeOfArray(json,'data'); while i < numItems do begin CkJsonObject_putI(json,i); Memo1.Lines.Add('--- ' + IntToStr(i)); name := CkJsonObject__stringOf(json,'data[i].name'); if (CkJsonObject_getLastMethodSuccess(json) = True) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('name: ' + name); end; Memo1.Lines.Add('id: ' + CkJsonObject__stringOf(json,'data[i].id')); // We can load the created_time into a CkDateTime... CkDateTime_SetFromTimestamp(dtime,CkJsonObject__stringOf(json,'data[i].created_time')); dt := CkDateTime_GetDtObj(dtime,bLocalTime); Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(CkDtObj_getMonth(dt)) + '/' + IntToStr(CkDtObj_getDay(dt)) + '/' + IntToStr(CkDtObj_getYear(dt)) + ' ' + IntToStr(CkDtObj_getHour(dt)) + ':' + IntToStr(CkDtObj_getMinute(dt))); CkDtObj_Dispose(dt); i := i + 1; end; // We can get the paging information as follows: Memo1.Lines.Add('URL for next page: ' + CkJsonObject__stringOf(json,'paging.next')); Memo1.Lines.Add('before cursor: ' + CkJsonObject__stringOf(json,'paging.cursors.before')); Memo1.Lines.Add('after cursor: ' + CkJsonObject__stringOf(json,'paging.cursors.after')); // This is a sample JSON response: // { // "data": [ // { // "created_time": "2016-09-29T20:46:18+0000", // "name": "Ignore my posts -- I'm doing some testing for Facebook related programming...", // "id": "10210199026347451" // }, // { // "created_time": "2016-09-19T02:00:42+0000", // "id": "10210091531240138" // }, // { // "created_time": "2016-09-19T02:00:42+0000", // "id": "10210091520620125" // }, // { // "created_time": "2016-09-19T01:59:46+0000", // "name": "I would've went for a swim had it not been for the sign", // "id": "10210091522299917" // }, // { // "created_time": "2016-09-12T00:37:35+0000", // "id": "10210023316834798" // } // ], // "paging": { // "cursors": { // "before": "MTAyMTAxOTkwMjYzNDc0NTEZD", // "after": "MTAyMTAwMjMzMTU4MzQ3OTgZD" // }, // "next": "https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/v2.7\/10224048320139890\/photos?type=uploaded&limit=5&after=MTAyMTAwMjMzMTU4MzQ3OTgZD" // } // } // CkOAuth2_Dispose(oauth2); CkRest_Dispose(rest); CkJsonObject_Dispose(json); CkDateTime_Dispose(dtime); end; |
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