Save an Email Attachment using a Specific Filename
Demonstrates how to save an email attachment using a specific filename, regardless of the filename in the email.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
' Create a MailMan or Imap object first for the purpose
' of unlocking the component. (Only one is necessary)
set mailman = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.MailMan")
mailman.UnlockComponent "anything for 30-day trial"
set imap = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Imap")
imap.UnlockComponent "anything for 30-day trial"
set email = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Email")
' Load an email object containing attachments.
' This .eml can be downloaded from:
success = email.LoadEml("HtmlEmail.eml")
If (success <> 1) Then
Response.Write Server.HtmlEncode(email.LastErrorText) & "<br>"
End If
' List the attachment filenames:
' This email has two attachments: logo.jpg and faxCover.doc
For i = 0 To email.NumAttachments - 1
Response.Write Server.HtmlEncode(email.GetAttachmentFilename(i)) & "<br>"
' Let's say we want to save the 1st attachment as "pic.jpg",
' and the 2nd attachment as "cover.doc".
' Call SetAttachmentFilename for both:
email.SetAttachmentFilename 0,"pic.jpg"
email.SetAttachmentFilename 1,"cover.doc"
' The SaveAttachedFile method allows you to specify the directory
' where the attachment is saved. To save to the current working
' directory, pass a "." for the directory path. This code
' saves each attachment to the current working directory:
email.SaveAttachedFile 0,"."
email.SaveAttachedFile 1,"."
' Alternatively, we could save all the attachments in a single
' call. The argument to SaveAllAttachments is the directory
' path. In this case, the filenames set by SetAttachmentFilename
' are used:
email.SaveAllAttachments "myAttachments"
Response.Write Server.HtmlEncode("Finished!") & "<br>"